Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Today we have to check out of the hotel at 11 and our appointment with the team is not until 2pm. So, we will have to find something to do for the bulk of the day...It seems so strange only being 2 of us. Isaiah is such a trooper. He just takes everything in stride never complaining about any of it. I just checked in with the home front all is well for them. I know I say this all the time but seriously, I don't know what we wold do with out Joy. And a big thanks to Philip for coming over when Scott leaves for work at 5:30 so Joy could come later, I know she really appreciates that too! Our plan is to head home after our appointment this afternoon, however, last time we ended up having to stay an extra day to see another doc. I have mixed feelings about this appointment today. Part of me wants them to say we need to take care of this now just so we can get it over with and begin healing again....part of me hopes they say we can wait because I don't want him to go through this again....I will be very happy when we have a plan and I know what to expect...Thanks for all the continued prayers. Love to all from MN.


Anonymous said...

Angela, still praying for you from Guatemala. You are the stongest person I know. Hang in there. Will call you when we get home.

Truders said...

We continue to pray for you. Tell Isiah he's doing well and we are proud of him.