Tuesday, July 10, 2007

He did it!

Isaiah started building his new ship Monday afternoon, recruited a little help from Dad Monday evening. He reluctantly stopped to go to bed for the night about 9:00.
This morning Isaiah woke up at 5:45am and tried to turn on the lights so he could continue building. I, being the party pooper I am, put the Kabash on the early morning build and told him he had to wait until Elijah woke up. Needless to say, he checked on Elijah every 10 minutes until he finally woke up at 8:00.
He took a lunch break and of course various potty breaks. We had one moment of frustration and tears late this afternoon, his eyes were even bloodshot from concentration. I decided he needed to take a break for a while and wait for Daddy to get home from work. The ship must have been calling his name because with in an hour Isaiah came to me and asked if his eyes were still red. Because if not, he was going to go back to the build, and that is exactly what he did! When Scott got home he was barely in the door before being summoned to the table. I convinced them to take a dinner break. The announcement came at 7:00pm tonight. We are done! Come look and bring the camera!
He is very excited. And announced he is already saving for the next build....we have a lego monster on our hands...but he is the cutest monster I have seen in a while!

1 comment:

Truders said...

Awesome! Awesome! Way to go Isaiah. PK will be proud of you. He loves Lego's too. I'll make sure to show him the pics.