Thursday, February 21, 2008

I love ginger snap cookies. I also love to bake. And those of you who know me, know that I bake for many reasons. Sometimes because I want to do something nice for those I care about. Sometimes I bake because lets face it, it is way cheaper than therapy!!!
This week has been a little hectic and crazy. With trying to juggle the new schedules in the house, and fighting off fevers and viruses and trying my best not to let them spread throughout the entire family. Trying to wade through the paperwork it takes to help your child apply for earlier this week I baked ginger snaps. I have one word...YUM! It is amazing how popping one in your mouth can turn a bad day into something wonderful! Seriously, you should try it sometime.
I know this is a little weird to blog about, but it just amazes me that something so small has such great power to change a person's mood.

Birthday wishes

A huge Happy Birthday to my good friend Trudy!!!!
Today marks the wonderful day of her birth...hee hee hee!
Trudy and I became good friends several years ago. Our friendship began with chocloate chip cookies and has grown through many happy and some tough times for both of us.
Trudy is one of those friends that no matter where she is, no matter how much time passes between conversations and just fall right back in the comfrotable presence as if no time has passed.
Thank you Trudy for all you give to me through your friendship. I hope you have a wonderfully blessed day!

Monday, February 18, 2008


Eight years ago today Elijah was born during a snow storm. What an amazing blessing he has been to our lives.
Some things you may not know about Lij...
He is an amazing brother to his many siblings.
He looks up to Dominique so much that when Dominique is not home Lij gets sad...
He is very close to Isaiah and although they both claim to want their own room, neither one can sleep when the other is not home.
He is our family clown and would do anything for a laugh. But, at school is is quiet and shy. Who would have guessed he'd be that way????
He loves baseball, basketball and wrestling.
He loves to draw.
He is a soft hearted and sweet spirited little boy who loves being around people.
He loves Jesus, and would be the first to pray for you if you needed it, and sometimes even if you don't.
Pastor Kevin and Ms. Trudy were the first to meet him, because they had all the other kids with them.
Happy Birthday Lij! Mommy loves you!
It is so hard to believe he is already eight....

Monday, February 11, 2008

What a weekend!

After much deliberating and praying Scott and I were able to find care for each one of the children so we could take a training on Saturday. I love going to these classes. Scott? Not so much. But this particular class we have been trying to take for a year now so I was excited. It turned out to be even better than I had hoped. Scott even enjoyed the class too.
A huge thank you to Ms. Glaesner, Isaiah had a wonderful time. I know the baby had fun to.
Thanks to the Dirks family for taking good care of Elijah. Mom had Sam and Amaris and surprise, they were both very good for her! YEAH! Madison spent the weekend with Wendi and came home GRUMPY!! She had fun as usual. Dominique? Of course he was at a friends house.
The speaker/trainer was amazing. I learned a ton. If you ever have an opportunity to take a class given by Kim Combs you need to take advantage!
Thanks to everyone who helped us so we could take this class.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Where's the lysol???

Hurry quick get the lysol, open the windows. Those nasty tummy flu bugs must be evicted before they invade another body!!
Poor Isaiah, he has it so bad. Of course he does because when tha boy gets sick, he REALLY gets sick!
Then there is Sam....he got sick once and is now begging for food. Go figure. Of course I am a coutious mom and am extremely careful of what and when I let them start eating after this kind of sick. Sorry Sam, crackers and sierra mist is all you get for now.
I don't know about you other mom's out there. But this mom is not good at all with the tummy flu stuff. Usually makes me feel sick too even if I am not. At least Scott is pretty good about it.
Pray for my boy that he would feel better quickly, and for the rest of us NOT to share!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Basket ball

Sorry, I can't figure out how to rotate my pix. This is Elijah after BB practice. He is a bit sweaty.

This is the team, the kids are funny, not real sure how to stand and pose and such. They have a great time playing together.