Monday, February 18, 2008


Eight years ago today Elijah was born during a snow storm. What an amazing blessing he has been to our lives.
Some things you may not know about Lij...
He is an amazing brother to his many siblings.
He looks up to Dominique so much that when Dominique is not home Lij gets sad...
He is very close to Isaiah and although they both claim to want their own room, neither one can sleep when the other is not home.
He is our family clown and would do anything for a laugh. But, at school is is quiet and shy. Who would have guessed he'd be that way????
He loves baseball, basketball and wrestling.
He loves to draw.
He is a soft hearted and sweet spirited little boy who loves being around people.
He loves Jesus, and would be the first to pray for you if you needed it, and sometimes even if you don't.
Pastor Kevin and Ms. Trudy were the first to meet him, because they had all the other kids with them.
Happy Birthday Lij! Mommy loves you!
It is so hard to believe he is already eight....


Truders said...

What a privilege that was too that we got to meet him first!! Happy Birthday Buddy!!

Lori Eilers said...

Wow, can't beleive how time has flown by. Happy Birthday to a very special young man. God has a terrific plan for your life Elijah Albers! Too bad I can't drive out and administer a good birthday spankin'. LOL