Friday, December 25, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

my snowbound monsters!

Sam caught a Big Ol' fish!!

Some of the things I found the kiddos doing....Amaris was being a ballerina. At one point in the day she tried to force the Burrito into becoming her dance partner....unless it involves wrestling he wants no part! She did however, convince Lij to participate, little did he know I would capture his awesome moves on film! Amaris loves to twirl and leap about!
Later, I found Sam "fishing" in his bedroom, he turned his bed into a boat and had thrown action figures on the floor to be his fish. He had a great time hauling in his big catches! He was having so much fun Lij and the Burrito crashed the boat and they all went through a giant storm together. I believe the boat tipped over and they needed rescuing but Isaiah wouldn't drive the rescue boat! party pooper!!
Of course i found Isaiah in the midst of piles and mounds of legos!
A game of indoor baseball was played....then Burrito had to help with the dishes! I love snow days!!

snow days!

 have had a great time digging out from under piles and piles of snow! I can't remember Iowa ever getting this much snow at one shot before. I love snow days. My kiddos are all home with me, we play boardgames, snuggle, drink hot chocolate and watch movies....I am not sure a cold winter day could get much better!