Thursday, May 31, 2007

Graduation 2007

Today I realized that my oldest child will graduate in 2008 and Sam will graduate in 2021. Now I feel OLD!
Amaris will graduate in 2019! That seems like a life time from now! At her graduation she told Mr. Flynn when she grows up she will be a nurse. It will be fun to see if that holds true in 2019! One little boy, Osbaldo, said when grows up he wants to be the president of Mexico!!!! Too funny!

No more pencils, no more books....

Well, not exactly. Wednesday was the last day of the school year for my kids. It was both joyous and sad at the same time. We enjoyed Amaris's kindergarten graduation. They were all so adorable! We had to say good bye to some amazing teachers. God is calling them in a different direction. Some will be moving to other districts and teaching other children, some will be moving into training type positions, and some will retire. It is always bittersweet to say goodbye. Especially to people who have touched the lives of our children. They have invested time energy and most of all love into the lives of our children helping us to mold them into fantastic young people. Even more special to me was the knowledge that these people not only love my children but they also love and serve the very same God we do. They pray for my children and show the love of Christ to them everyday in so many ways I could never express. I am ever so grateful for all they have invested in my childrens lives. I know God will use them in mighty ways on their new paths...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


WOW! It is so hard for me to believe that 17 years ago today I became a mommy for the first time. The past 17 years have been full of Joy and some tears. I am so very proud to be the mom of such a great young man! God blessed me tremendously the day He chose me to be Dominique's Mom.
Dominique is very talented in so many ways. He is an amazing drummer, he is great with kids, a talented artist, a good student (I have to brag here for one minute, this past semester he took 2 college classes at Grand View College we got his grades the other day,he got an A in one and a B+ in the other!!!!!!) He is a true leader. Dominique is the kind of leader who has the ability to be a world changer in his life time. He leads by quiet example, people are drawn to him by his actions, his attitudes, and his choices. He is not the kind of leader who is boisterous and in-your-face, or very aggressive. He leads by example. That, in my opinion, is the strongest kind of leader. He believes in his convictions and will not be moved from them. He lives by a self imposed "Code" and believes in it with every fiber of who he is and who he will be in the future.

It seems like just yesterday that I held him for the first time....
It seems like just yesterday that my dad held him proudly as his first grand child...
It seems like just yesterday that I watched him take his first shaky steps and then take off running...
It seems like just yesterday he took his first fall and had his first injury...
It seems like just yesterday that I would wake up in the middle of the night and find him sitting on my dad's hospital bed holding his hand saying "I love you Papa its OK"...
It seems like just yesterday that he reached his sweet little hand to my eyes and dried my tears and said "Mommy its OK I miss Papa Angel too"...
It seems like just yesterday that he took the ring bearer pillow he was carrying in our wedding
and laid down and fell asleep on the alter...
It seems like just yesterday that I took I dropped him off at kindergarten when there was no school that day...
It seems like just yesterday he caught his first fish...
and lost his first tooth...
It seems like just yesterday that he asked Jesus into his heart...
It seems like just yesterday that he literally had ants in his pants...
It seems like just yesterday that he started Tae Kwon Do...
It seems like just yesterday that he went to junior high...and then to high school....
It seems like just yesterday that he went on his first missions trip...half a world away...
It seems like just yesterday...
I find myself not only very proud of all his accomplishments but also proud of the amazing character he shows everyday, the great role model he is for his siblings. I wish everyone could know him for the amazing young man he has grown to be...
But, I am also sad, sad that this part of his life is almost over...
Sad that I am not sure if I have done the best job in preparing him to enter the world...
Sad that in 1 year he will graduate and move onto the next phase of his life...
Sad that the days when he would climb up into my lap to read and snuggle with me are over...
Sad that the new phase of his life makes him want to spend more time with his friends than with his family...
sad that he is taller than me...and enjoys that very much....
Sad that he has grown up over night...
But ever so blessed and ever so thankful for the time God has given me to be the mom of such a terrific young man of God!!!

Friday, May 25, 2007


Dominique and his friends are going camping tonight to celebrate his birthday a few days early. I must say I have been a little bit of a spas about helping get ready. I remember when I was his age and my friends and I liked to camp too. I hope they have a great time and stay safe and no injuries occur.

another busy weekend

I think we have 2 more crazy weekends left and then calm will return to our lives. (hopefully)
I have 2 cake orders to fill this weekend, a graduation, several open houses and the usual weekend stuff. Scott and I have the rare opportunity to go out shopping alone last night. Dominique babysat all the kids and we went to run errands and birthday shop for Dominique. We had fun. AND he even bought me the new Karen Kingsbury book! YEAH!!!! I can't wait to start reading it!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Getting ready for summer

Uncle Cowboy, Daddy, Isaiah and Elijah all worked to set up our pool Sunday. The boys had a good time, the men would have rather been doing something else!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


I try not to write much about Madison because I don't know who would read this and if they would understand what exactly I am trying to, I usually don't write about her. These past couple years have been a challenge for us with Madison and trying to figure out what is best for her can be compared to being lost at sea. I have felt like a total and complete failure when it comes to Madison and I know there are some who would completely agree with that. I have had to come to some difficult conclusions lately and quite honestly just need the love and support of those around us. Those who are not able to believe in us and our decisions regarding Madison should choose to take a few steps backwards and remain silent...I am however feeling a little more encouraged this week. Scott and I had what I would consider a very productive meeting about Madison and her future. I believe we may be headed in a good direction. There are several steps we have to take and a few hoops we must jump through before the plan will be set in motion. So, please, please, pray for God to continue to guide our every decision and thought regarding Madison and her future. Also pray that he would open the eyes, ears and hearts of all those in authority to make the decisions and recommendations we need to move forward. If you happen to be one of the people I referenced earlier please keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself, and I will pray for you.

Home today

well, I wasn't sure it could be done, but we actually made it through the weekend. Friday Elijah had a ball game, this one was close, we lost by 2 runs. Saturday I had to go with a friend to pick up some food packages from Share Iowa at 8:15 in the morning. If you have never heard of share Iowa you should check it out, This was my first time participating and I really believe it is worth it the meat is not Fareway grade but its ok. The fruits, veggies, bread and other items are great. Anyway, then Scott had to pick up Elijah's baseball fundraiser stuff at 8:30 and then divide it up and deliver it. I had a cake order to fill of 4 cakes. We had 7 graduation open houses to go to. We sent Dominique with my cousin Chenoa and her husband Tom and their kids to go to family open house. While Scott and I hit all the church ones. Unfortunately we ran out of time, we had to be home for the lady to pick up her cakes and to take Madison to Allyson's house, so we sent a card with her to take to the 2 she was going to and will take a card to the other 2 at church. We got home in time to meet the ice cream truck and get a treat. Then Pastor Allice came to pick up her order. By that time it was too late to make it to my cousins party. Baths and ironing church clothes and dinner and bedtime....Then Dominique called and wanted to stay at my cousin Rowdy's house so he could go to Kylie's graduation today. So, I had to run into town and deliver his clothes and stuff. I got to see a lot of my cousins and their families I haven't seen in a while, but it was 9pm and I was exhausted so I didn't stay long. Today, Scott and Philip are going to put the pool up. I have to bake for church tonight and Isaiah is sick, so Scott took kids to church this morning and I will go tonight.
whew! We made it!

One of those moments...

Have you ever had one of those moments that takes you instantly back in time. So vividly that it feels, smells, and sounds as if you are right there? Something like that happened to me the other day, and it has haunted me ever since. I can't shake the feelings the experience created in me.
We were all at the circus and the act began of a woman high above our heads dancing on a moon that was dangling from the top of the stadium. It wasn't the woman or her act that took me back in time, but the music to which she was performing. An old song "Lady in Red" the longer the song went on the more vivid my flashback (I suppose that is what you could call it) became. I was 16 years old in the hospital have high doses of radiation treatments, there was a lead screen across my room door so no one could come in. Those who did come in wore crazy white suits and gloves, my room floor was covered with some sort of rubber mat and even the remote control to the TV was covered. My food trays were left in the hall for a suited up nurse to bring in for me. I wasn't allowed visitors, and whatever came into the room had to stay and be disposed of when my treatments were complete. Every morning around 6 am. my dad would sneak up to my room and bring me a cup of coffee and a news paper, he would sit on the other side of the lead screen and talk to me until it was time for him to go to work. Sometimes he would sneak me a tape cassette or draw me little cartoons. He bought me a "glow worm" with a home made sign for my door that said "I now Glow". "Lady in Red was one of the songs on one of the tapes he gave me. I can't explain why that song the other night at the circus brought on the flood of memories like it did. They flashed through my mind like a slide show of family memories. Ever since that night, I miss my dad so much it hurts. I want to cry. And I do...cry...I wish I could understand God's timing. You know, my dad was an awesome Grandpa and he is missing out on my kids. But more than that my kids are missing out on knowing him...So, I guess the memory together with the knowledge that on this side of heaven my kids will never know their grandpa and what a great man he was truly just breaks my heart. On the day to day I can push that to the corners of my mind and not even realize its there, then a simple song plays at a stinking circus and here I am....Go figure....

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


We have been so busy around the Albers house.
We went to the circus thanks to Isaiah's "hospital dad", we have been planting vegetables, flowers, and herbs in our garden and yard. Dominique had to get glasses, I think he looks handsome but he does not agree...
Mother's Day was wonderful. Sometimes I am in awe as to why God chose me to be the mother of all these beautiful children. I am truly blessed.
I have several cake orders to fill in the next couple weeks, a ton of graduation open houses to attend, and all of the end of the year activities that go on with having elementary age children. Field trips and special days at the school, planning what to do next year, concerts and never forget Elijah and baseball!!!!
I am looking forward 12 days from now when school will be over and we can have some down time!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

how does your garden grow?

We spent the entire day today planting our gardens and flowers! We had so much fun! I loved watching Elijah, he worked so hard digging his rows, fertilizing, planting his seeds, and then covering. He even watered everything for us when we were done! He would love farm life if we lived on one. Isaiah on the other hand would rather not be outdoors digging around because he hates bugs. All the kids pitched in and had a ton of fun. Isaiah and i went for a walk this evening and when we got home he said, "mom I think your tomatoes and peppers grew while we were gone" This is the fun part now, nurturing and watching how it all grows. If only I had thought to take pictures!

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Dominique got tickets to the premier of Spiderman. He is so excited! 12:01 am. He will be tired but happy! Thanks gramma for the early b-day money to buy the tickets.

Walking with a nut!

Today Abbey had to go on a field trip with her daughter and couldn't walk with me. Scott was off today, he was supposed to go on a field trip with Isaiah but Isaiah has been sick since Tuesday after school. So, I asked Scott to walk with me...first of all he has a very intersting stretching routine he goes through, you wouldn't believe me if I told you, pictures would have been worth a million! Then he needs to change clothes, then it is too cold and he needs a jacket. FINALLY we get going. Are you gonna walk this fast the whole time? yup! ok....we fell into a workable groove, then the on-again-off-again mist that was falling when we left the house turned into a drizzle. So, we get up to the school, the 1 mile mark, and I tell him we either go for the 3.5 miles or turn around. He decided he would melt if we pushed on so we turned around and came home. We did have fairly good conversation I talked 3/4 of the walk and he grunted one to three word answers and laughed occassionally. I'll take what I can get...we were pretty wet by the time we got home but hey, 2 miles is better than sitting on the buttocks and letting it expand. Truth be known, it was kind of fun walking with Scott even if he is a little quirky about stuff.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

May Day Surprise

We had the coolest May Day surprise ever! We were waiting for our home school supervising teacher to come yesterday. Yes, there was a little grumbling going on in the this red van pulls in the drive and Madison says there is some lady in our drive...not being in a very good mood to begin with, my grumbling increases, because I know that our teacher is supposed to arrive at 1pm and it is now 12:45. Then I hear a car door close and Madison Squeels "it is Miss Pastor Lori!!!! " Isn't it funny how your attitude completely changes when you realize it is a friend and now instead of intruding on your last 15 minutes you find yourself hoping time will go slow enough to enjoy it?! Miss Pastor Lori delivered my kids an amazing may basket with lots of fun stickers and goodies in it. Thank you for bringing sunshine into our day and helping to change a mom's attitude!

please pray

My little friend Gabe who has been fighting cancer for several months now is having surgery today to try and remove the tumor that is growing in his little body. This is a long and scary surgery. Please pray that God will guide the hands of the surgeons and that God would hold Gabe in the palm of His hand all day today! Also pray for Gabe's family, as it is NOT EASY being the parents in the waiting room. Thank you to all of who will pray. Isaiah is proof that God hears our prayers!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Guess what?? Today Abbey called me and told me she can't walk today. I am proud to say I walked alone anyway. YEAH ANGELA! I did not walk 3 miles like we have been but I did walk...I just had to pat myself on the back...


I am so sad! I have been trying for 3 days to get advanced tickets for Dominique to see the premier of the new Spiderman movie at the IMAX theatre but they are all sold out, so I tried all the local theatres and can't find any available. I is looking forward to this so much and now it looks like he will miss out.