Sunday, May 20, 2007


I try not to write much about Madison because I don't know who would read this and if they would understand what exactly I am trying to, I usually don't write about her. These past couple years have been a challenge for us with Madison and trying to figure out what is best for her can be compared to being lost at sea. I have felt like a total and complete failure when it comes to Madison and I know there are some who would completely agree with that. I have had to come to some difficult conclusions lately and quite honestly just need the love and support of those around us. Those who are not able to believe in us and our decisions regarding Madison should choose to take a few steps backwards and remain silent...I am however feeling a little more encouraged this week. Scott and I had what I would consider a very productive meeting about Madison and her future. I believe we may be headed in a good direction. There are several steps we have to take and a few hoops we must jump through before the plan will be set in motion. So, please, please, pray for God to continue to guide our every decision and thought regarding Madison and her future. Also pray that he would open the eyes, ears and hearts of all those in authority to make the decisions and recommendations we need to move forward. If you happen to be one of the people I referenced earlier please keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself, and I will pray for you.


Lori Eilers said...

I think you are an incredible mom to Madison and I DARE anyone to disagree with me. I love Madison but know she can bring you to your knees most days. Whatever I can do to help, please let me know. I was just thinking today that I need to get back out to see her and spend some time together. I was pretty sick this week, so I'm behind on a few things. Call me!

Truders said...

Angela, you are a great mom!! I have seen first hand the things you have gone through. I wish I could be there to help you through but know I'm praying for you guys. We love you.