Monday, April 30, 2007


well, this afternoon after catcing my breath from the walk...I decided since my wonderful husband bought me flowers for my garden I should at least act like I appreciate it! So, I took myself outside and weeded my front garden prepping it for all my flowers. I am excited to see how it will look in a month or so. I let the kids each pick a 6 pack of flowers so I have an interesting mix. I am really looking forward to my vegetable garden. My brother tilled it up for us this morning. All we need now is to buy the plants. We do both, seed plantings and plants. I am very excited because I have a plan this year. To end up with enough veggies for the whole year! With the help of God and some Miracle Grow I will achieve my goal!

Walking my Butt off

So, by the time I returned from taking the kids to their appointments today it was already 90 degrees outside. Anyone who knows me knows I HATE TO BE HOT!!!!!!! I would rather it be 90 below zero than what it was today. So, I called Abbey and told her that it was just too hot to walk today...yeah right I didn't get out that easy. She said finish washing your dishes and meet me at my house. I told her I was not walking the "country block" she agreed...I think we walked nearly as far anyway! I was so hot and thirsty and can I say ladies should not sweat like I did today, it is just not right to sweat like that! YUCK! I also never knew until Saturday that it was possible to get a charlie horse in your buttocks!!!!!

busy weekend!

we had a crazy busy weekend. Friday we had Elijah ball game then Dominique Isaiah and I were off to the Fire Storm Retreat at church. We were there until around 3 on Saturday. Elijah had ball practice Saturday until 5, I got home, ironed church clothes, bathed kids, then Domiinque was off to Bill Campbell's for a BBQ, I had to take Madison to Ankeny for a birthday party. Then I came home to try and relax for a bit. I had a headache that had been growing since Friday morning. Sunday came, we had church, then Madison's mom came for a visit and we helped them celebrate Logan's birthday...then back to church for Taste The Nations. After church Scott took me to buy garden seeds and flowers. I am so excited to have a garden again! YEAH. I never thought the day would come that I would be happy for a Monday morning to roll around....I hate crazy busy weekends!

Friday, April 27, 2007


This Sunday night we are having "tase the nations" at church to celebrate missionaries. Since Scott and I are part of the children's ministry team we are helping out with BGMC's booth. We need 45 dozen cookies, so far Pastor Greg says he has 27 dozen covered, so I am baking my butt off. Too bad that couldn't work literally, then I wouldn't have to walk...anyway, I know I wont be able to make up the difference but I have about 6 dozen ready now and 2 more batches ready to go in the oven. My house smells soooooo good!!!


So, yesterday a good friend of mine Abbey, called and asked if I would be her walking buddy. Now, I have been thinking alot lately about how I need to start walking or something to try and shrink the good old southern hemisphere. So, I told her I would. Today. Day #1...OH MY WORD on the way up the second large hill I truly thought I'd die or at the very least have to call for an EMT. But, I am happy to say about 1/2 an hour into the walk my breathing finally evened out and I was no longer panting. I comfortably finished the last half of our trip around what she called the "COUNTRY BLOCK" I have no idea how far we walked but it took us an hour. I have decided since I am committed to the walking thing I should know how far we are walking so next time I go out I will drive the route and see. I tried to find a cartoon of a big butt woman dying from working out but couldn't find one. so you'll have to use your imagination. I'm telling you it wasn't pretty! I keep telling myself it will be worth it sometime in the future....

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Catcher for the Day

Elijah loves playing baseball. His coaches are great, they rotate positions each game so the boys get to know the ins and outs of each position. This day Elijah got to be catcher, he was so funny, he assumed the position and didn't move until it was absolutely necessary. What was funny to me is that at 7 years old he already knows how the pros do it, I love his little hand tucked behind his back! He says someday he will play for the Yankees. We'll see!

Letter People Party

Amaris has been learning the Letter People this year. The class finally learned all of them so today they are having a party and Amaris chose to dress as Mrs. Achoo. Thank you to my mom for helping make the dress and get the outfit together. Amaris looks just like Mrs. Achoo except Mrs. Achoo is purple; face and all. Dominique the smart mouth thinks she looks like Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmonks! He is so mean. I think she looks adorable!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007











Friday, April 20, 2007

I am NOT tired!

These boy always say "But I am NOT tired, why do I have to go to bed?" As you can see, Elijah was much more tired than he thought...

Stay Golden

You know, sometimes it is hard being a teenager especially when there are so many negative forces out there fighting against them, I love this shirt Dominique is wearing Stay Golden...Sorry it is sideways, I can't get it to rotate...HA!


So, the other day this lady and I were having a discussion about being wives and mothers and how do you define successes in your role. She says that she knows she is doing her job well when the socks are all matched and put back in there correct drawers. When there is a loner sock she searches the entire house top to bottom until it is found and reunited with its mate...

I have pondered this theory for several days now and I am having a difficult time wrapping my mind around the thought that my success and failure as a wife and mother lies in the sock drawer or laundry basket. There are so many other things in my world that I would rather define me than socks. I think I kind of understand what she is saying. She added to her theory that when it comes to the end of the day she thinks of the verse in the bible "...Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might" Ecclesiastes 9:10 OKAY, so I get that part. But does that mean that the lundry basket in my room full of mismatched socks means that I am a failure as a wife and mother? Does it mean that I haven't put enough effort into taking the best care of my family? OR...does it really mean that I absolutely HATE folding socks???

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Re connecting

I had the privelege today to have lunch with an old friend. We used to do lots of things together, our families were friends and our boys were inseperable. Sometimes life takes us down roads that separate us from those we care about, and I think that is what happened with us. I believe God allowed opportunity for us to re connect through Dominique. I love it when God surprises me! It has been fun catching up with our lives on e-mail. We have tried for a couple months to get a time to meet for lunch or coffee. Today was finally the day! I can only speak for myself, but I really had a good time and I look forward to more times that we can have coffee or lunch and chat! You know you have a true friend when you sit down across the table from them after years have passed and pick up as if you just had coffee yesterday...I love that!
Grandmothers and Gumballs!

Gum and Grandmothers

I was sitting in the bleachers of Elijah's last baseball game when one of my friends child saw his grandmother walking across the grassy field toward us. He took off in a lightning fast run, Nanna Nanna do you have any gum? I thought I would fall of the bleachers laughing. why? Because everytime any of my children see my mother-in-law in church they start in Nanny Nanny do you have any gum? When my mom comes over: same thing, Camel Gramma do you have any gum? I was thinking, I remember doing the same thing to my Grammy when I was a kid too. So, Here is my question of the day....What is the deal with gum and grandmothers??

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Today was the day I had to take Dominique back for re-check of his wrist. As you can see, it was fractured, I made him get purple because purple is my favorite color. We go back May 18 to have a new x-ray done to see if it is healing. After a quick nap he is off to class at Grand View College. Poor Boy!

Monday, April 16, 2007


This is picture from last years season...I should have new ones tomorrow!
We have a baseball game tonight. I love to watch Elijah play ball, he loves it so much. Last week I discovered a very important thing. I should never yell out, "GO ELIJAH GO!!!" because he will stop what he is doing to look at me and wave and grin his big beautiful grin! It was kind of funny but he almost got hit...I will cheer quietly in my heart and wait for whooping and hollering after the game. His games are every Monday and Friday from now through June 11. we will have a ton of fun!

for girls only!

If you are not a girl STOP READING NOW!
OK, ladies. Do you all hate bra shopping as much as I do???????? I hate it so much that I was literally down to 1. Scott finally made me go shopping (something I am not a big fan of anyway) on Saturday. I swear I tried on at least 26 bras! Fighting tears and total frustration I settled on a couple I can live with. I still say it would be better to just have them removed and never have to wear a stinking bra again!!! My womanhood does NOT lie on my chest thats for sure!Preventive medicine, I am so serious. I would not have to worry about having to fight the cancer fight again, I had enough of that to last my entire life!
Apologies to anyone offended by my little rant here, but then again it is my blog so I guess I can rant however I want.....

My baseball boys

Uncle Cowboy made Elijah's day on Saturday!! He gave Scott 2 tickets to the Iowa Cubs game and Scott took Elijah...they had a blast, Elijah woke up Sunday morning and the first thing he said was "and Mommy do you know what else happened at the game???" He didn't miss a beat, it was like he picked up our conversation from before he fell asleep and just continued on. My guys really love baseball! I love to hear Scott tell all the stories of what Elijah did and said all through the game. I love to hear Elijah tell all of his stories too!

having a bad day...

have you ever had a great time of prayer and worship when God really spoke to your heart, and then the enemy busts in to confuse you and steal it all away?
I really think that is what has happened to me today...usually I am equipped and ready to defend myself, but this morning took me by surprise and I have had a hard time recovering all day. Last night was a really good sermon at church, followed by a time of prayer and hasn't happened for me in a A horrible day! I really just want to go back to bed and get up on Tuesday as if today didn't happen!
I think tomorrow will be better...

Friday, April 13, 2007

fun night

we got home from fun night at about 8:30 and we all had a great time! This year Isaiah got to run around with out mom and dad, he is growing up, Madsion helped serve food in the kitchen all night, Scott took Amaris and Elijah around to play all the games and I kept Sam with me because I helped in the 7 and under room. The cake walk was a total success! Isaiah won 3 cakes! Elijah won 1, Amaris won 1 and Sam won 1. so if anyone is craveing cakes or cookies you know where to come! Isaiah also won a reading raffle prize, 2 free rounds of Putt Putt Isaiah LOVES Putt Putt. Isaiah also won 3 big bottles of Root Beer. Today was his lucky day!

Isaiah's broken heart

The other night we were all down at the park, and Isaiah came to me sobbing his little heart out. I thought he had gotten hurt. Sometimes heart hurt is worse than physical hurt. Some kids down at the park were teasing him, calling him tubby, and chubby, and they told him he couldn't play because he was no good at running and other things. My poor boy! How do you take that kind of hurt away, those words went through his ears and directly into his heart where I believe they will stay for a long time to come. Isaiah wants nothing more than to play just like all the other kids, but because of his limitaions he just can't, we try to allow him as much freedom as we can, he knows what his limitaions are, and yes, sometimes he pushes the limit, but what boy wouldn't? I wanted to ring those kids necks!! But I have to show love to them too...maybe tomorrow...

This is for Pastor Kevin

So, I hear you think I don't write enough about am I doing now?? I have been thinking about moving him to the kennel in the back yard but he redeemed himself with the Stay of execution of Raven...
We sure do miss you guys!


So, Scott and I have been discussing for a long time about maybe having Raven go to live somewhere else. There are many reasons that we have been considering this. she is expensive to take care of especially with her seizures, it is hard to find someone to take care of her when we have to take Isaiah to MN for his check ups. Have I mentioned dog hair every where?? So, we have talked about what to tell the kids if we decided to send her away. Should we tell the truth or lie??? Any way I have been a very reluctant participant in the decision making process, finally Scott decides to take today off of work and take her. so, last night Scott tells the kids to say good bye to Raven before they go to school because he is taking her to the vet and she may be gone for a long time....right away Elijah stops eating his dinner and starts to cry...It was to awful, I asked Scott if he was sure he could do this to Elijah. Yes, his decision was final. So, fast forward to this morning. Elijah came into the kitchen where I was making cookies, tears on his face...and kneels down next to Raven holds her face in his hands, and begins to pray! A prayer I have never heard before, a plea from deep in his heart that Jesus would save his dog and bring her home safely. After wiping my tears and regaining my composure, I put the kids on the bus and told Scott we need to talk...After hearing me out and calling me a big fat whimp! he disappeared for a while and upon his return announces, "I hope you are happy! I am taking her to the vet this after noon, it is going to cost us 120 dollars but I will bring her home." The prayers of Elijah have been answered, Raven has received a stay of execution by Governor Scott! you are the best daddy a boy could ask for!

baking is done

Well, after the PTA meeting last night it was apparent that we needed more goodies for the cake walk, so I along with several other people have been naking all day again today, I just took the last batch of cookies out of the oven. As soon as they are cooled off I will package them, and run them up to school. The kids love Fun Night. it will be a great time!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

PTA and Fun Night

I am off to PTA tonight, as soon as Sam is done throwing his mega tantrum....We are getting ready for fun night at our school Friday night. We have a ton of fun! I have been busy baking and making goodies for the cake walk. I made 6 cakes and 24 plates of chocolate covered pretzels today. Cookies house smells so good!!!!!

baseball boys

Monday night was Elijah's first ball game of the season, considering the fact that we have had only a handful of practices because of the weather the boys all did great. It was quite a surprise to me to learn this year we actually keep score. Officially, we lost 6 to 4 to the Bonduraunt Cardinals. The boys had a blast playing. Today is Thursday and Scott took Elijah to ball practice even though we have snow on the ground and it is barely 40 degrees outside. Nothing can stop a boys love for baseball. And Elijah got the love for the game from his daddy! Most wives call themselves football widows, I am a baseball widow. The house could blow up and he wouldn't notice unless it interrupted his game! We have the Baseball ticket for the satellite, and when he can't get the game on the TV absolutely NO ONE is allowed to touch the computer because he has some set up that he can watch some variation of the game on the computer! Every one better watch out if the good old Yankees have a bad game day....

oops he did it again!!!

So maybe this week I am not in the running for Mother of the week. Dominique was skateboarding Monday night, when he got home he told me his wrist and hand hurt real bad, so me being the ever attentive mother I am said, get some ice and take some ibuprofen. I love you son good night. Tuesday arrives and again he tells me it is difficult to use his hand, and again I tell him to take some ibuprofen. I did not believe he needed medical attention just a couple days to recover....So, Wednesday arrives and he tells me Mom I can't even put on my deoderant because I cant hold the bottle. So considering the fact that he is 16 and not using deoderant would pose a to the doctor we go....You guessed it! He most likely has a fracture in his hand but the swelling is too much to cast it right now, so he is in a splint until next week when we get to go back. Doc says he is 90% sure we will put it in a cast next week. Hey at least this time it is the left hand. And maybe it will be better before the weather gets too hot, since winter has decided to return!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sad day for Amaris

Amaris is having a sad day today. She has a cold but on top of that she had nightmares all night last night that Faith and Billy (her bio mom and Dad) came and took her and Sam away. They were doing drugs and yelling and locked them up and wouldn't let them go. She just sobbed and sobbed. She said they cried for us to come and save them and we wouldn't come. It makes me so sad to know that all those memories are stuck inside of her and come out in her dreams. All we can do is love her and pray that God will heal her heart completely. So please pray for Amaris today if you think about it.

Gramma's Love

There is nothing quite like the love of a Gramma! I am so blessed to have a Gramma as special as Mine! She is what I like to call a proverbs 31 Lady! Some time you should read Proverbs 31:10-31.

A funny thing happened at dinner on Sunday. we were sitting at the table in Uncle Bob's garage (don't ask) anyway, Gramma says to me, "I wonder who that elderly couple is sitting over there." Elderly Couple???? they are younger than Gramma. I guess age is realative to how you feel. She is so sweet!!!


WOW! I am still tired from the long day we had on Sunday. We did all 3 services at church on Sunday. It was fun for me to be able to see some friends I haven't seen in awhile. Our services went well and I had the privelege of seeing the miracle of acceptance cross the faces of a couple children. There is a special look that enters the eyes of a child when they first ask Jesus into their heart. I love that look. It is one of the most Precious sights you will ever see. Then of course being childrens church you have the small handful of children that ask Jesus into their heart every Sunday...LOL...I love that too. There are some days I wonder if I should too...LOL
Chris Cakes was fun to have in the gym! I love how they threw all the pancakes at everyone. Isaiah said no thanks just pile them right on my plate please!!!! He wasn't about to waste any pancakes!
After church Scott, Isaiah, Elijah, and Amaris went to his family Easter dinner. And I took the rest of the kids to my Uncles house for dinner and an Egg hunt. We had a great time catching up with my cousins and their families. But I really missed having my husband and the rest of the kids with me!

BRRRRR its too clod for hunting eggs

Scott took the kids to Pastor Lori's Easter egg hunt on Saturday. They had a ton of fun! Even in the freezing cold temperatures they had a blast. Isaiah was photographered by a Des Moines Register Photographer.

Thanks Pastor Lori for a fun time!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Winding down

So, it is Friday. The end of a crazy busy week at Albers and Company. Getting ready for Easter services at church, egg hunts for the kids and all the Easter activities. I am looking forward to spending time with my Gramma. And the rest of the Van Cleave side of me...It will be a special time. Gramma is truly a woman of God and much wisdom can be gained from spending a little bit of time with her. Sadly, Scott and 2 of the kids wont be able to go with me because his family is also having dinner on Sunday. I hate splitting up especially on Holidays. But, I understand his desire to be with his side. Its just that I don't know how many more years we will have the joy of Gramma being with us. She is such a huge part of who I am that I don't want to miss a minute of time I can spend with her. so this Easter Ablers and company will be apart...

He can fly!

I just have to give a little encouragement to Fuzzy. He is very good at skateboarding and I never seem to time the camera at just the right moment. Thank you to Ryan for your photography skills. This is an amazing picture.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Something about me must be backwards!

Today as I was pushing my shopping cart into the local Walmart, the alarm starts going crazy. I casually glance around to see what poor unfortunate soul has befallen the embarrassment of a search and siezure by the Walmart Greeter on duty. Only to find the only poor soul in sight was ME! Have you ever heard of such a thing? Setting the alarms off on your way INTO a store??
The sweet little lady at the greeter station cautiously aproached me, my cart is empty mind you, and she reaches for my purse! So, I say "Excuse me ma'am what are you doing?" I really tried to muster up all the respect I could find to put into my voice, but inside I was screaming, "You have got to be kidding me!!! I am ENTERING this fine store why do you want my purse???" I am proud to say that I kept a good handle on the situation, the sweet lady asked if happened to have a CD in my purse, and I I have had for at least 1.5 months. The lady took my CD and ran it over the de-magnetizing thing and promised I wouldn't have any more trouble. I told her I would be exiting through her doors when I was done shopping so please remember me. I am happy to report that upon my exit I heard nothing but the chatter of Sam. And looking over my shoulder I saw the sweet little lady grin and wink at me. This could only happen to me!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

What happened to double coupons?

When I lived in New Jersey all my friends called me the coupon queen it was not unusual for me to cut my bill down by $30 or more with coupons. Here in Iowa no place does double coupons. Why is that? With a family the size of mine I should get triple coupons. LOL! I always try to get the best bargains and deals but short of traveling to 2 or 3 different stores I am at a loss. If I do go to that many different places I spend more time strapping kids in and out of seatbelts in cars and carts than I could ever save in money. I wonder sometimes if it would save more money to order groceries on line and have them delivered to my door, that would certainly eliminate the "Mommy can I have" syndrome that attacks each child as soon as they enter a store. It doesn't matter how old they are if they can talk they have the syndrome. The crazy thing is, it really doesn't matter what kind of store you are in they will find something they have to have...All in favor say I! Double coupons should come back! Or delivery Please!

What? Winter in April??

This is crazy! We had flurries this morning while my kids waited for the bus. I have flowers coming up and snowflakes coming down. I am so ready for spring to come and stay for a while, I mean really stay, I hate it when spring comes for a week then jumps right to hot summer like weather. I want to enjoy spring at least until the end of May. So all you who have power to persuade with prayer, now you know how to pray. Spring until May 30th please!


Does anyone remember the game Risk?
Well, when I was at Target this weekend I found it and realized it was a game made with Isaiah in mind, so I bought it. That has to be the biggest mistake I have made in a long time! That boy LOVES LOVES LOVES the game, Monday Scott was off of work, those 2 started a game at 6:30 in the morning, then continued the game for almost 3 hours in the afternoon. Tuesday, in order to get him up and moving for school I told him I would start a game with him before he caught the bus, he was ready at 7:00 (the bus comes at 8:30)! We played last night too, but we saved last nights game so we can keep on playing. He is a strategic thinker, he is always 2 or 3 moves ahead of everyone else in his mind! And I'm telling you that boy can roll dice! I have created a monster!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Been Busy

Well, it has been several days since I last posted, we had a busy week end and then Scott was home need to say anything more!
Let's play catch-up. Dominique is officially un-grounded and completely enjoying his freedom. I must say he is back to his old loveable self again. But do you want know something? God works miracles in our everyday, I'm telling you. You know how Dominique rearended Scott, and then Philip checked the brakes etc. Well, later in the week last week he asked Dominique how the brakes were working, and they were "spongey" so being grounded the truck was here, so on Sunday afternoon Philip took the brakes apart to check them and ALL these peices just fell out all over the ground. There was absolutely nothing working in the rear passenger brake. I have decided that God has assigned 3 angels to my boy: My dad is carrying him on one side, my Grandpa is carrying the other side, and my Grammy is picking up the rear! Only God could have been keeping him safe all this time! Again A huge thank you to my big brother for taking care of the truck!!!!
Isaiah had a Dr. appointment on Friday, the turd was not completely honest although he says technically he was, see, when he describes his pain he uses animals. So, a cat is like a 1 on a scale from 1-10, then a lion and tiger are around 8-9 and a T-rex is a 10. So, doc M. asks Isaiah to rate his pain, a Cat. So we are told that the pain could be muscle spasm or maybe a strained muscle and to keep doing what we are doing until we go back to Minnesota. So Fast forward to Monday when we went to Sara's and we discussed that I felt like he wasn't honest with the doc. Do you know what he said?????? I didn't lie, my pain was a cat, I just didn't tell him what KIND of cat. So, Sara asked him what kind....A TIGER. I told him that was lying, he says no it was not lying because he told him cat and tigers technically ARE cats. What am I supposed to do with him?? We can't help him when he doesn't tell us he hurts. Sara said she will keep working with him. I sure hope so...
Amaris has been a little turkey with home work making mom look like a goof ball. She tells me she can't remember what she is supposed to do and then when she gets to school she does it perfectly for her teacher. I love her teacher she is AWESOME!
Sam has had a rollercoaster ride, we thought we had found a way to motivate him with books, we told him when he is a good boy he gets to pick a new book (I have a stack of 10 new books) he chose 2 then decided he doesn't like to read after all UGH! So, the funny thing is he pulled the stunt on Daddy. Just like with me last week, he kept telling daddy he needed to think. Finally after 1.5 hours of "Thinking" Daddy says, "Sam are you done thinking," "yes" was Sam's reply. "well what have you been thinking about?" You wont believe what came out of that precious mouth! Not I'm sorry not what he had done but..."Christams presents." needless to say that did not help daddy in the situation. Scott looked at me and said "He did NOT just say that did he??" " yes dear I do believe he did...Good night Sam!
I'm telling you never a dull moment around this house!