Friday, April 27, 2007


So, yesterday a good friend of mine Abbey, called and asked if I would be her walking buddy. Now, I have been thinking alot lately about how I need to start walking or something to try and shrink the good old southern hemisphere. So, I told her I would. Today. Day #1...OH MY WORD on the way up the second large hill I truly thought I'd die or at the very least have to call for an EMT. But, I am happy to say about 1/2 an hour into the walk my breathing finally evened out and I was no longer panting. I comfortably finished the last half of our trip around what she called the "COUNTRY BLOCK" I have no idea how far we walked but it took us an hour. I have decided since I am committed to the walking thing I should know how far we are walking so next time I go out I will drive the route and see. I tried to find a cartoon of a big butt woman dying from working out but couldn't find one. so you'll have to use your imagination. I'm telling you it wasn't pretty! I keep telling myself it will be worth it sometime in the future....


Truders said...

I'm proud of you for making that commitment. I walk Renn to and from school (when it's not raining) and some days it's just easier to drive. We'll stick together on walking!!

pacmandogbert said...

My daughter, who lives in Chicago without a car, says everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time.