Friday, April 13, 2007


So, Scott and I have been discussing for a long time about maybe having Raven go to live somewhere else. There are many reasons that we have been considering this. she is expensive to take care of especially with her seizures, it is hard to find someone to take care of her when we have to take Isaiah to MN for his check ups. Have I mentioned dog hair every where?? So, we have talked about what to tell the kids if we decided to send her away. Should we tell the truth or lie??? Any way I have been a very reluctant participant in the decision making process, finally Scott decides to take today off of work and take her. so, last night Scott tells the kids to say good bye to Raven before they go to school because he is taking her to the vet and she may be gone for a long time....right away Elijah stops eating his dinner and starts to cry...It was to awful, I asked Scott if he was sure he could do this to Elijah. Yes, his decision was final. So, fast forward to this morning. Elijah came into the kitchen where I was making cookies, tears on his face...and kneels down next to Raven holds her face in his hands, and begins to pray! A prayer I have never heard before, a plea from deep in his heart that Jesus would save his dog and bring her home safely. After wiping my tears and regaining my composure, I put the kids on the bus and told Scott we need to talk...After hearing me out and calling me a big fat whimp! he disappeared for a while and upon his return announces, "I hope you are happy! I am taking her to the vet this after noon, it is going to cost us 120 dollars but I will bring her home." The prayers of Elijah have been answered, Raven has received a stay of execution by Governor Scott! you are the best daddy a boy could ask for!

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