Friday, April 13, 2007

Isaiah's broken heart

The other night we were all down at the park, and Isaiah came to me sobbing his little heart out. I thought he had gotten hurt. Sometimes heart hurt is worse than physical hurt. Some kids down at the park were teasing him, calling him tubby, and chubby, and they told him he couldn't play because he was no good at running and other things. My poor boy! How do you take that kind of hurt away, those words went through his ears and directly into his heart where I believe they will stay for a long time to come. Isaiah wants nothing more than to play just like all the other kids, but because of his limitaions he just can't, we try to allow him as much freedom as we can, he knows what his limitaions are, and yes, sometimes he pushes the limit, but what boy wouldn't? I wanted to ring those kids necks!! But I have to show love to them too...maybe tomorrow...


Truders said...

Guess our boys were going through the same thing!! I will pray for him. Tell him Mrs. Trudy loves him.

Lori Eilers said...

Do I need to make a trip to Runnells and deal with some mean kids? Don't be messin' with my kids!