Friday, April 20, 2007


So, the other day this lady and I were having a discussion about being wives and mothers and how do you define successes in your role. She says that she knows she is doing her job well when the socks are all matched and put back in there correct drawers. When there is a loner sock she searches the entire house top to bottom until it is found and reunited with its mate...

I have pondered this theory for several days now and I am having a difficult time wrapping my mind around the thought that my success and failure as a wife and mother lies in the sock drawer or laundry basket. There are so many other things in my world that I would rather define me than socks. I think I kind of understand what she is saying. She added to her theory that when it comes to the end of the day she thinks of the verse in the bible "...Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might" Ecclesiastes 9:10 OKAY, so I get that part. But does that mean that the lundry basket in my room full of mismatched socks means that I am a failure as a wife and mother? Does it mean that I haven't put enough effort into taking the best care of my family? OR...does it really mean that I absolutely HATE folding socks???

1 comment:

Truders said...

Your a kick!! I love it. It just means you hate matching socks. I'm sure there are many more wives/mothers who feel the same way as you, including me!!