Thursday, April 5, 2007

Something about me must be backwards!

Today as I was pushing my shopping cart into the local Walmart, the alarm starts going crazy. I casually glance around to see what poor unfortunate soul has befallen the embarrassment of a search and siezure by the Walmart Greeter on duty. Only to find the only poor soul in sight was ME! Have you ever heard of such a thing? Setting the alarms off on your way INTO a store??
The sweet little lady at the greeter station cautiously aproached me, my cart is empty mind you, and she reaches for my purse! So, I say "Excuse me ma'am what are you doing?" I really tried to muster up all the respect I could find to put into my voice, but inside I was screaming, "You have got to be kidding me!!! I am ENTERING this fine store why do you want my purse???" I am proud to say that I kept a good handle on the situation, the sweet lady asked if happened to have a CD in my purse, and I I have had for at least 1.5 months. The lady took my CD and ran it over the de-magnetizing thing and promised I wouldn't have any more trouble. I told her I would be exiting through her doors when I was done shopping so please remember me. I am happy to report that upon my exit I heard nothing but the chatter of Sam. And looking over my shoulder I saw the sweet little lady grin and wink at me. This could only happen to me!


Lori Eilers said...

He, he, he that's pretty dog gone funny my friend! You are right...only you Angela!

Anonymous said...

You know most people try to sneak thngs out of a store, not you though, you try to sneak things into a store. I always knew you were a bit off.