Friday, October 31, 2008

My little monsters...

So here are the little monsters minus Maditude and Dominique...Maditude went down to my Mom's house to pass out cand to all the little trick-or-treaters. Dom...of course found himself at the dorm....
Isaiah was a dead Magician...hence, the top hat, wand and magic handkerchief.
Elijah was a Ninja...a very tough one at that...
Amaris was a Magenta Crayola....I had to wash her hair 3 times to get the color out.
Samuel was Highway 316...that is the highway that leads into our town.
The burrito....since I could not find a burrito costume...I settled for a little monster...I found on clearance for $6 at Babies R Us...what a deal!!
Of course the camera quit working before I could get solo pix of the other 2 boys...bummer!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What a little STINKER!!!

So today I was cleaning out the computer closet while the Burrito (see previous post for explanation on the new name) played in the gated area of the living room. The living room is enclosed in a safety gate to keep him OUT of trouble...look what he got himself into...althought he couldn't figure out how to complete his escape today, I am sure my days are numbered now! What a stinker!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Friday night fun!

On Friday I made Mexican Lassagna, Fiesta corn chowder, and nachos for dinner. Dominique came home for dinner, he brought his friend Peter with him. (and his laundry) ;0) They watched movies with the kids, Peter was a very good sport and watched/played video games with Lij. So fun! He managed at one point in the evening to escape only to be hunted down. Lij, with both hands on his hips says to him 'where did you go? I am not done playing with you yet.' To which Peter responded by getting up off the couch and went back to play some more. Zephan was in heaven in Dom's lap most of the evening.
Then our good friend Keaton came for dinner too! We had a ton of fun! Playing games, the wii, eating, talking, laughing...we all love Keaton but, Isaiah has a special bond with him. They played chess, checkers, legos...then Lij had to get in on the action and convinced Keaton to play wrestlers...that was quite entertaining! We hope to enjoy many more game nights this winter.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Funny, I realized after typing those words that they have a million different meanings. Today it means my cousin and I have been working on an appeal to re-zone our Grandparents home and the land on which it rests. I have been tryiong to get all my other cousins to send letters to show Gramma how important their home has been to us all over the years. I am a bit disappointed that more chose not to write than chose to write. However....Gramma will be so very blessed by the love that has been recorded for her on the pages that will soon become her book but for now will save her is the letter I wrote...
According to the dictionary a home is a place of residence or refuge. To many people a home is merely a place where you eat and sleep. Reside. When I think of home, I think of Gramma and Grampa's home. Always a place of refuge. For me and for many. No matter where life led, I always knew Gramma and Grampa would be there sitting on the porch waiting to greet me with a hug and quick kiss. My life as a child and teenager was never consistent. But, Gramma and Grampa were always there, the only constant in my ever changing world. No matter where our next move took us, California or New Jersey the memories of the first 12 years with Gramma and Grampa went with me. I was always homesick for their house and all the familiar smells, the ticking of the old clock on the mantle and the creaking of the floor boards. No one ever understood how much a rotten pear tree, an old ragged doll house and playing colored eggs on the front stoop meant to me.
Sunday dinners in Grammas living room, stealing olives before prayer, the family prayer recited in unison by what seemed like 50 people, Gramma cooking, her sons cleaning the kitchen after each meal, Grampa's stash of chocolate safely hidden in the bottom drawer of the fridge, the candy dish that was always full, Holidays, Birthdays, fishing with Grampa, cleaning strawberries with Gramma, Homemade ice cream on the back porch, family photos, playing with the cousins. All these memories are mine because of the love Gramma and Grampa poured out onto their family. I have inherited a legacy from them that I will pass onto my children.
The old barn, Grampa's garden, bird cages in the back, Buckwheat the horse, walking beans, husking corn, canning veggies for winter, sneaking into the corn field, picking rhubarb and Gramma giving us a baggie of sugar to dip it in.
When my dad died, it was Gramma and Grampa who encouraged and loved me. It was their home I came back to. I wanted my child to know the kind of love I was raised around. Grampa began the same tradition with Dominique as he had with my brothers. (boys don't waste time going indoors to use the bathroom) are you silly? What he forgot to tell Dominique is that when you live inside the city limits you need to go indoors before you drop your drawers. Watching Dominique and Grampa tend to the trash fire and many other outdoor chores told me we were home and my child would be showered in all the same love I had been. My babies have learned to crawl and to walk in that living room. When ever we had exciting things to share it was their home we went to first.
As an adult I have spent many hours sitting on the porch talking with Gramma, her wisdom and love shared with me has taught me how to be a Godly woman after her very heart. As in all families we have shared sadness and tears on the same porch we shared our dreams. After my dad died and again after Grampa died, we all gathered there, as adults this time, celebrating the love that was gifted to us and mourning the man who gave.
Grampa may have had a growl and he may have made us remove our shoes before we entered the house, but you always knew he was glad you came and wanted you to stay. Even if he spent half your visit napping on the floor with his fly swatter in his hand resting across his forehead.
Unconditional love was concieved, born and bred within the walls of that house, wrapped and given as a gift to the next generation, mine, to nurture, bless, multiply and pass onto the next generation, our children and onto theirs. Grammas house is the blessing of a legacy of love that represents all that is right, pure, perfect and true to all who walk there.
The walls of that home hold memories and stories of the Van Cleave family for 64 years. The legacy must continue. We must pass this onto our children so they can know how much love there was in the beginning of it all. Home will always be Gramma and Grampa's place to me. A place of refuge from all life's storms. A place of unconditional love poured out over all who entered the doors.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Life sometimes simulates the threads and fabric pieced together to form a cozy quilt. Each piece of old fabric when standing alone, can be vibrant, bright, beautiful, or dark, old, worn and ugly. But, when sewn together, lovingly by the hand of the creator, the finished product is a work of art that's beauty reaches out and touches the hearts of all who view it, touch it, experience...So to, I have found is my life. A series of threads of many colors lovingly holding patches together bridging time, healing pain, touching others. It becomes more evident when the tapestry of your life makes a difference in the life of another hurting soul. When what you have lived, breathed, experienced, seemed so dark, so unbearable, so ugly, so tiresome in the moment of its 'being' out of that grew a light to lead another. When sewn together with the next sequence of patches its ugliness fades and beauty shines through. Beauty that can help mold and change the life of another. Even when unintended, even when you didn't notice the hurt that lived around you....they noticed your beauty. through your is born...
As I ponder the patches of my own life...I wonder the ratio of ugly to beauty and can't help but to think what I view as strength and beauty another might see as ugliness. And vice-versa. When the final patches are lovingly sewn into the fabric of my quilt I pray those whom I leave behind will see it as a beautiful work of art pieced lovingly together including the sad tired, worn out, and ugly patches...and maybe just maybe a touch of grace will be seen there too...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A conversation with Lij

Lij: We went to the Senior Center today.
Mom: You did? was it fun?
L: yup. KNow what?
M: what?
L: I saw this little old lady, she was so CUTE! She had this cute little cane that had 4 feet on it and the handle was all covered in flowers. SHe was really cute Mommy.
M: Was she (covering up my amusement by my sweet boy)
L: I told her 'Nice cane' but she didn't hear me cuz seniors they dont hear so good.
M: You my son, just made my heart smile! Thanks!
L: your welcome, any time!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Yes, I must be crazy!

This morning I took all the kids minus Dominique to the dentist. While the babe did not actually go in the room he went along. I don't know about you people out there but I as a parent have certain expectations of my children at home and when we are out and about. Today.....OH MY WORD! I could have left them all there and drove home alone! I didn't, and I didn't even lose my cool although there were moments when I wasn't sure if I was going to hold it together or not. We barely made it through all the appointments (5 of them) and I thought good we are out of here! Nope! Mrs. Albers. The Dentist would like to chat with you. Would you please wait for him in the conference room? Are you serious? You expect me to leave my naughty little/big monsters out here unattended?????You must have lost that cute little brain of yours. Were a just couple of the thoughts running through my mind. OK here goes. I take the babe and patiently, at first, wait....only to have to run out and break up a fight between Sam and Am, stope a rambuxious game of keep away/ catch between Isaiah and Lij, take my phone away from Madison who took it out of my purse with out peeve.....and messed with the ring tones....another pet peeve.....AND Changed my photos...another peeve....And took pix on it....still another peeve.....Are you getting the idea???? By this time I am peeved myself. The babe pulled a sweet little girls hair...out....yes, a whole handful, the mom was justifiably upset with me and my lack of parenting skills. Then Lij threw his stupid toy and got it stuck on the ceiling and I had to lift Sam way above my head to get it down. The babe tore a magazine. Am hit a kid (smaller than her) cuz he took something she was playing with.....slowly I collected little monsters and had them lined up on the wall of the conference room. Sam constantly arguing at the injustice of his being the first in line and in trouble. Zephan screaming cuz all he wants is to go back out and pull someones hair...out...
Finally I met with the cavaties, set follow up appointments...take a deep breath, coral the monsters to the door, almost out...when the desk lady says to me...Mrs. Albers, I love it when you bring your children in here. They are all so well behaved. I never notice you have so many children we have some moms come in with just one and all chaos breaks out...thank you, they are a joy to have.
To which a provide a fake smile and thank her for her undeserved kind words and push the monsters out the door.
Did she not see what all happened in there?????
Are my standards and expectations that different from the average person???
I am officially crazy now!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

40, and failing mom 101 miserably!

So I sat here and sat here debating whether or not to write tonight. Obviously I decided to write....
Today was my 40th birthday....thank goodness I am not one of those people who are completely whacked out over the number of years they have been on earth. Goodness knows I have so many other things going on to be whacked out over.
The day started with Princess Maditude having a continuation of last nights bad attitude. Terrific way to begin your day, let me tell you. Just a little side note here....why, why, why, do you have to be trained to own a pet or drive a car but not to raise a child. Not bragging or anything....but, I am pretty good at parenting the little monsters....but once they reach the age and stage of teenhood....AAAHHHHH....I just don't get it at all!
So, my morning progressed as usual after she left for school. Breakfast, dressed, hair, teeth, kisses hugs, prayers, greet a good friend, kiss Elle's hand, bus.
So I walk into the house after the bus leaves, carrying baby Zephan. (of course he did not have his helmet on yet...) I go to step over the safety gate to put him down with his toys and I trip over the gate. Falling to the floor, baby falling out of my arms...Yes, he hit his head, yes it was hard, yes, we both cried, and cried, and cried...yes I called the doc, yes I drove right over to Beaverdale to get him checked out, yes we have to wake him every hour for 24 hours to make sure he is OK. Yes, I feel like a horrible mother.
I came home, grabbed Madison's book picked her up from school, went to her appointment, went out to lunch, where the babe ate half of my burrito, so I am thinking maybe we are onto a clue of his heritage...hhhmmmmm just kidding!
Talked to Madison's teacher from school, lets just say the name Maditude is being used for many good reasons and she better knock it off soon!
Came home, waited for the kids to get home, checked back packs, went up to school for literacy night....which was fun!
Came to both of my brothers today....that was nice....received a ton of greetings on the computer today...that was nice too....
Scott and the kids gave me a book I have wanted for a while now, a gift certificate for the book store, (my weakness!) and an angel for my collection....OH and a 40 crown and an old lady cane...
So, I have decided that I am not having birthdays any more....not because of the age thing, but because for the past several birthdays I have either been in the hospital with a child or caused a child to need one....I realize accidents happen and today was definitely in that category....but I still feel awful!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

fevers, errands and toxic diapers

Man! Can I ever tell we are in the midst of the time of year when we DESPERTELY need a good hard freeze! If nothing else, it would kill all the nasty toxic germs that keep attacking my little monsters! With asthma times 3 kids and possibly the babe too, this time of year is awful! Then somewhere my youngest little monster picked up a fever followed by toxic diapers....I am so serious these diapers should only be handled by one wearing a moon suit and working for some federal government agency who specializes in the disposal of such things! ACK!!!
I have had so many things I needed to get done this week and it seems all is on hold while I bravely fight off all these germs that keep attempting to overtake our household. First the babe and now Samuel is home today with a fever. I am running out of Lysol...HELP!!!!
Hope your week is going better than this!
A foot note....a happy one too! I got to talk to my good friend Pastor Lori on the phone last night. We had a great time catching up on things since her big move down south. We shared a lot of good laughs too. I am hoping we will get the opportunity to go visit some time this year!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

my sweet Isaiah

Not many of you know I have been taking classes, training to become a CASA volunteer. CASA is a national organization, the acronym stands for: Court Appointed Special Advocate. (for children). I am very excited about this new endeavor and looking forward to the swearing in ceremony Oct. 30. Anyway, I had a full weekend training this weekend at the local community college. Friday night when I got home, I made dinner, spent time with the fam, etc. then got out my books, sat down in the kitchen, by myself, in the dark. Got up to answer the call of my name, returned to the kitchen to find Isaiah sitting in my chair. here is what happened:
I~ watcha doin'?
M~ I am getting ready to do my home work.
I~ (pulling out the chair next to him and patting his hand on the seat) come here mommy, have a seat, I will help you!
M~ Oh, Isaiah that is very thoughtful of you, but you would not understand my home work, it would bore you.
I~ Mommy! sit down, you have been helping me with my homework for YEARS so now, I want to help YOU!! (that almost made me giggle) Please? I will get you a glass of water.
M~ OK, thank you. (and I obediently sat, next to my sweet little boy and we opened my 15 page case plan that I had to study and formulate questions and recommendations for by morning)
PAGE 5 of said plan....
I~ scoots his chair away from the table, stretches and yawns....
M~ where are you going?
I~ you were right mom, that stuff is boring! I'm gonna go play a game...GOOD LUCK!
(he promptly kissed the top of my head and ran out of the room)

He touched my heart, the fact that he cared so much to try and help me with my sweet!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Naughty little puppy

Every time I get ready to take his picture, Zephan squints his eyes in anticipation of the flash. Funny boy!
We call him the naughty little puppy, he has learned how to climb up onto the couch and then tries to shimmy up the back and lay across the top like a cat...
This morning Zephan was being difficult, I needed to put him in the walker so I could tie shoes etc. he held his legs up real high so I couldn't put him in correctly, so I decided for the moment he could sit like that....well, at first he was mad, but.....
As you can see from this picture he completely enjoyed the new position and even got mad when I took him out....

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

His way or mine...

We can make our own plans, but the LORD gives the right answers. Proverbs 16:1
We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9
You can make many plans, but the LORD'S purpose will prevail. Proverbs 19:21
The LORD directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way? Proverbs 20:24 (
I like this one, cuz it applies directly to my heart, always desiring to understand.)
The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.
Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand. Psalms 37:23-24
(can you feel Him holding your hand?)
I know, LORD, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course. Jeremiah 10:23
When we are clothed in the Spirit, everything that is contrary to the mind of God is destroyed. In these verses I can see the power and control God holds over our lives. As humans, we are free to make our own decisions. We make thousands of decisions every day with our own free will. Yet, in some amazing way, God is orchestrating all our outcomes. As a believer, I am greatly comforted in knowing that God is the orchestrator of my existance. I know when I seize control of my destiny it always ends in disaster. Somedays it is a battle to give over all control and let Him lead. Being obedient to Him and His call is not always easy to do.
I know, LORD, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course. Jeremiah 10:23
Many people who do not know Christ, credit or blame fate or luck with their personal successes and failures in life. Believers, on the other hand, know that God, in His providence, faithfully watches over His people every step of the way. God is actively participating in every moment of your life in order to bring about His plans for you. We are not victims of impersonal forces, such as fate or natural selection; but we are children of a very personal God who cares for each little (or big) detail of our lives, every day of our lives. Rejoice in Him, His love and care for you is no accident! This same personal God is the God who lovingly picks us up and carries us through the valleys when we are not strong enough to walk through on our own. I don't think it gets much sweeter than that!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

We got our date

Our attorney called yesterday afternoon. It is official. Our adoption date will be Saturday November 15, 2008. I can't wait to stand before our judge and tell her I am proud to be Zephan's forever mommy!
I am so excited to participate in Adoption Saturday what an experience it will be for us.
He truly is a treasure to me. I am thankful God chose me to be his mom.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Another crazy weekend

Have you ever planned out a weekend and then the weekend kind of just plans itself without you or your opinion? That is exactly what happened to me this weekend. I had certain things I was going to do on certain days and then....well, lets just say I flew by the seat of my pants, prayed I'd get everything accomplished and was pleased when the sun went down this evening I have accomplished all but 1and 1/2 items on my list of things to do, not too bad considering all the interference.
Bonus if the brother is home for R and R, he needed help doing work around his house so Dominique was home for a couple hours on Saturday. He even took Elijah on a bike ride. The high light of Lij's entire weekend for sure!
Today I took Isaiah out to purchase some much needed blue jeans and a couple shirts, you can't wear Pajamas to school when you actually leave the house for school, Isaiah has been able to do school in PJ's for the last year and some of this year. He is taking that step of faith and going back to public school for the rest of this year only. We have such an amazing school and staff we are truly blessed up there and I am excited Isaiah will be able to finish out his elementary education there. Next year we are back to home school. He chose chocolate chip pancakes and a milk shake for breakfast, since it is his second first day of school this year!
This week is full of appointments and running around....I keep saying to myself that next month things will settle down....I am not sure when that will happen.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

more orchard photos

Friday the kids had no school, so we took full advantage of the afternoon. Scott always gets off early on Fridays so we went to the Apple Orchard up in Cambridge, we go to the same one every fall. This was Zephan's first trip to the orchard and enjoyed every minute of the adventure. He sampled at least 5 different apples and LOVED all of them. After apple picking and browsing through the country store we headed up to Ames and ate dinner at Hickory Park, a nice family restaurant that serves delicious BBQ. We had a great time. I have been making homemade apples sauce, apple crisp, and apple butter this morning. MMMMMMM the house smells so good! We missed DOminique, I don't think I will ever get used to doing family outings without him. Being a colege student and all he has little time to tag along on these adventures. ;0(

Friday, October 3, 2008