Monday, October 20, 2008

Yes, I must be crazy!

This morning I took all the kids minus Dominique to the dentist. While the babe did not actually go in the room he went along. I don't know about you people out there but I as a parent have certain expectations of my children at home and when we are out and about. Today.....OH MY WORD! I could have left them all there and drove home alone! I didn't, and I didn't even lose my cool although there were moments when I wasn't sure if I was going to hold it together or not. We barely made it through all the appointments (5 of them) and I thought good we are out of here! Nope! Mrs. Albers. The Dentist would like to chat with you. Would you please wait for him in the conference room? Are you serious? You expect me to leave my naughty little/big monsters out here unattended?????You must have lost that cute little brain of yours. Were a just couple of the thoughts running through my mind. OK here goes. I take the babe and patiently, at first, wait....only to have to run out and break up a fight between Sam and Am, stope a rambuxious game of keep away/ catch between Isaiah and Lij, take my phone away from Madison who took it out of my purse with out peeve.....and messed with the ring tones....another pet peeve.....AND Changed my photos...another peeve....And took pix on it....still another peeve.....Are you getting the idea???? By this time I am peeved myself. The babe pulled a sweet little girls hair...out....yes, a whole handful, the mom was justifiably upset with me and my lack of parenting skills. Then Lij threw his stupid toy and got it stuck on the ceiling and I had to lift Sam way above my head to get it down. The babe tore a magazine. Am hit a kid (smaller than her) cuz he took something she was playing with.....slowly I collected little monsters and had them lined up on the wall of the conference room. Sam constantly arguing at the injustice of his being the first in line and in trouble. Zephan screaming cuz all he wants is to go back out and pull someones hair...out...
Finally I met with the cavaties, set follow up appointments...take a deep breath, coral the monsters to the door, almost out...when the desk lady says to me...Mrs. Albers, I love it when you bring your children in here. They are all so well behaved. I never notice you have so many children we have some moms come in with just one and all chaos breaks out...thank you, they are a joy to have.
To which a provide a fake smile and thank her for her undeserved kind words and push the monsters out the door.
Did she not see what all happened in there?????
Are my standards and expectations that different from the average person???
I am officially crazy now!


Truders said...

LOL!! LOL!! LOL!! I am dying of laughter as I read your blog!! You are seriously crazy though for taking all five of them at one time!! Crazy or brave? Maybe a bit of both? :)

Adventures of Abby said...

I am sooo glad I am not the only one who has outings that end up as a comic strip!!! and yes we both know you are crazy, as we also know I am too!!! Happy belated birthday crazy lady, maybe it's the age that makes things more difficult! LOL

SS said...

Parents know their children best, therefore they hold a high standard for their chidlren to uphold when in the public's eye. But as a Christian who holds high standards for their children, their children should be different than the worlds'. So even though they will embarress us in public and out out of line to us, remember even when your kids are naughty, they are still being living witnesses. So yeah they were naughty in public, but remeber most people are comparing them to the world. Who knows, maybe your nauhty child might be the first "good" child that someone has ever seen.

I was a nanny for a bit so I do know what I'm talking about.

SS said...

Parents know their children best, therefore they hold a high standard for their chidlren to uphold when in the public's eye. But as a Christian who holds high standards for their children, their children should be different than the worlds'. So even though they will embarress us in public and out out of line to us, remember even when your kids are naughty, they are still being living witnesses. So yeah they were naughty in public, but remeber most people are comparing them to the world. Who knows, maybe your nauhty child might be the first "good" child that someone has ever seen.

I was a nanny for a bit so I do know what I'm talking about.