Thursday, October 16, 2008

40, and failing mom 101 miserably!

So I sat here and sat here debating whether or not to write tonight. Obviously I decided to write....
Today was my 40th birthday....thank goodness I am not one of those people who are completely whacked out over the number of years they have been on earth. Goodness knows I have so many other things going on to be whacked out over.
The day started with Princess Maditude having a continuation of last nights bad attitude. Terrific way to begin your day, let me tell you. Just a little side note here....why, why, why, do you have to be trained to own a pet or drive a car but not to raise a child. Not bragging or anything....but, I am pretty good at parenting the little monsters....but once they reach the age and stage of teenhood....AAAHHHHH....I just don't get it at all!
So, my morning progressed as usual after she left for school. Breakfast, dressed, hair, teeth, kisses hugs, prayers, greet a good friend, kiss Elle's hand, bus.
So I walk into the house after the bus leaves, carrying baby Zephan. (of course he did not have his helmet on yet...) I go to step over the safety gate to put him down with his toys and I trip over the gate. Falling to the floor, baby falling out of my arms...Yes, he hit his head, yes it was hard, yes, we both cried, and cried, and cried...yes I called the doc, yes I drove right over to Beaverdale to get him checked out, yes we have to wake him every hour for 24 hours to make sure he is OK. Yes, I feel like a horrible mother.
I came home, grabbed Madison's book picked her up from school, went to her appointment, went out to lunch, where the babe ate half of my burrito, so I am thinking maybe we are onto a clue of his heritage...hhhmmmmm just kidding!
Talked to Madison's teacher from school, lets just say the name Maditude is being used for many good reasons and she better knock it off soon!
Came home, waited for the kids to get home, checked back packs, went up to school for literacy night....which was fun!
Came to both of my brothers today....that was nice....received a ton of greetings on the computer today...that was nice too....
Scott and the kids gave me a book I have wanted for a while now, a gift certificate for the book store, (my weakness!) and an angel for my collection....OH and a 40 crown and an old lady cane...
So, I have decided that I am not having birthdays any more....not because of the age thing, but because for the past several birthdays I have either been in the hospital with a child or caused a child to need one....I realize accidents happen and today was definitely in that category....but I still feel awful!!!

1 comment:

Lori Eilers said...

Oh my friend. I'm so sorry about Zephan and Matitude but you are a terrific mom! I'm glad you have gracefully entered the 40's's not so bad! :) We can not have anymore birthdays together...I'm getting too close to another that ends in a zero!