Wednesday, October 15, 2008

fevers, errands and toxic diapers

Man! Can I ever tell we are in the midst of the time of year when we DESPERTELY need a good hard freeze! If nothing else, it would kill all the nasty toxic germs that keep attacking my little monsters! With asthma times 3 kids and possibly the babe too, this time of year is awful! Then somewhere my youngest little monster picked up a fever followed by toxic diapers....I am so serious these diapers should only be handled by one wearing a moon suit and working for some federal government agency who specializes in the disposal of such things! ACK!!!
I have had so many things I needed to get done this week and it seems all is on hold while I bravely fight off all these germs that keep attempting to overtake our household. First the babe and now Samuel is home today with a fever. I am running out of Lysol...HELP!!!!
Hope your week is going better than this!
A foot note....a happy one too! I got to talk to my good friend Pastor Lori on the phone last night. We had a great time catching up on things since her big move down south. We shared a lot of good laughs too. I am hoping we will get the opportunity to go visit some time this year!

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