Thursday, April 19, 2007

Re connecting

I had the privelege today to have lunch with an old friend. We used to do lots of things together, our families were friends and our boys were inseperable. Sometimes life takes us down roads that separate us from those we care about, and I think that is what happened with us. I believe God allowed opportunity for us to re connect through Dominique. I love it when God surprises me! It has been fun catching up with our lives on e-mail. We have tried for a couple months to get a time to meet for lunch or coffee. Today was finally the day! I can only speak for myself, but I really had a good time and I look forward to more times that we can have coffee or lunch and chat! You know you have a true friend when you sit down across the table from them after years have passed and pick up as if you just had coffee yesterday...I love that!

1 comment:

Truders said...

I pray someday we'll be able to sit down and have lunch again!! I've got a goal and I'm going to try and reach that goal of coming again to visit. I miss you!!