Saturday, May 5, 2007

how does your garden grow?

We spent the entire day today planting our gardens and flowers! We had so much fun! I loved watching Elijah, he worked so hard digging his rows, fertilizing, planting his seeds, and then covering. He even watered everything for us when we were done! He would love farm life if we lived on one. Isaiah on the other hand would rather not be outdoors digging around because he hates bugs. All the kids pitched in and had a ton of fun. Isaiah and i went for a walk this evening and when we got home he said, "mom I think your tomatoes and peppers grew while we were gone" This is the fun part now, nurturing and watching how it all grows. If only I had thought to take pictures!


Truders said...

Kevin and the boys will soon begin this task of planting. They are all excited. Now to keep the dog out of the garden!!

Lori Eilers said...

I'm with Isaiah!!!! I'll get my chow from Fareway or let you share with me. HeeHee.:)