Tuesday, July 31, 2007

another crazy day in the albers house!

I am so very proud of Dominique! He has really come through for me with the kids! 12 hours yesterday and then today for about 7 hours. He even cleaned up the house and washed the dishes before I got home both days!
I began my day riding in to Des Moines with my brother. On his way to work he dropped me off to pick up Scott's car which we had left at the doctors office. I'm trying to figure out how I can pull off the story I told Scott about cloning myself and my other self took his car home yesterday. He is so dopey right now when I told him that he actually thanked me! ;)
Then I came home and worked on laundry, and phone calls, and breakfast, and kids, and fixed lunch so all Dominique would have to do was give it to them. At 10:00 Isaiah and I were ready to take off for a "fun filled day" at the hospital. I think Joy was right! It did Isaiah a ton of good to be at a hospital without being the patient for a change! He had a ball of fun making fun of Daddy who was still quite dopey today! Then Isaiah discovered the bed controls and amused himself for a very long time sending Scott way up in the air then way down to the floor. He would say, "going up.....and going down," then he would crack up laughing and do it again and again. I don't know what was more enjoyable for me watching Isaiah have so much fun or watching Scott who had absolutely no clue what was going on, that is until he got motion sickness....LOL!!!
Congrats to Jake and Amber who had a new little baby boy last night, welcome baby Tucker!! I ran into Jake and Wyatt and Jake's parents in the hospital today. Amber is resting comfortable and every one else is so very excited!
Isaiah and I headed for home around 4:00 so I could fix dinner for the kids. Then we headed off again because Dominique's phone is acting up.........THAT is a whole other story! for later!
Then we stopped and picked Elijah up from Wendi's house. They spent the day at the pool. Boy is he a grouch!!
Yeah finally we got home around 8:45, called and checked on Daddy, had baths and kids were in bed by 9:45.
AHAHAHAH quiet! I love quiet!!!
Maybe Scott will be home some time tomorrow, hopefully he will have gotten the stones out before I have to bring him home! I don't want to have to take care of that too! LOL!
Good Night for now!

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