Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 24
I am thankful for our social worker. She is an amazing woman who really understands what a foster family is and does. Working with her it is evident that the child is the most important part of the case to her. She will move heaven and earth, she will fight furiously to achieve the very best outcome possible for the child. As a foster parent I do not see this often. It makes my job as a foster mom a thousand times easier knowing that we have someone fighting for what is right and not necessarily what is easy. Her case load is unimaginable yet she treats each one of her families as if they were her only case. I know she carries the worries and sorrow, triumphs and tears home with her. She invests her whole heart into each child and it shows in everything she does! I am blessed to be able to work with her, thanks Monica!

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