Tuesday, November 16, 2010

catching up on my thankfuls

Day 12~ It was raining on Friday I had a garage full of donations for Dropz of Hope. Donations that were scattered and had absolutely no order to them at all. Scott has been wanting his side of the garage back for some time now (since the flood in July) I knew I had to get to work. Days when I have not sweet toddlers running about "helping" are few and far between. But I had a hard time rounding up the motivation to trek out in the rain and cold to get the job done. Nita came out and together we got the job done! WHEW! and......we made a new friend Paula in the process (thanks Pastor Lori for sending that angel our way!)
Day 13~ Saturday our family went with the Royal Rangers and Girls Ministries from church to fill bags of beans for Convoy of Hope. What a blessing it was to spend a couple hours with kids from all over the state preparing food to go all over the world to feed hungry people! for more info about Convoy of Hope go to convoyofhope.org
Day 14~ Saturday evening I took Lij to see Annie Junior at the local community theater. One of the girls in the show is in my Sunday School class and a friend of mine had all 3 of her kids in the show! When I walked in to the theater I stopped dead in my tracks. I wasn't quite sure what to do. Should I turn and leave? should I go in and hope not to have a confrontation? should I go in and HIDE? I said a quick prayer of rescue and direction and proceeded in. Thank God He protected us from a scene. You see the foster mom who had Zephan before he came to us was working in the theater. One of her children was in the show. It is difficult for me to see this woman who did not take proper care of him before he came to us. There is so much more to Zephan's story than what I can comfortably write here but I am so thankful God rescued him and delivered him to my heart and home. I was reminded of where he could have been and my heart filled with thanks to God!
Day 15 & 16 ~ I am thankful that God chose me to be Sam and Amaris's forever Mama. They arrived on Fathers Day 2003. Frail, scared, and very sick. Over the years they have had to endure a lot of pain emotionally and some physically. God knew they belonged with us and after 23 months of trying to heal their biological family God chose us to become their forever family. I am blessed to be able to see all the healing and growth that has happened and continues to happen in their lives!

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