Monday, November 8, 2010

Dropz of Hope and a new 'tude

I have been thinking and praying a lot lately for the direction Dropz of Hope is taking. Wondering why are we growing and serving more families each month but yet still are unable to secure an attorney to complete our 501 C3 and allow us to tap into the many resources out there. Wondering if the hold up is my hesitation God's hesitation or maybe lack of courage on my part....I don't really know the answer maybe a little of all the above.
This weekend was World Missions weekend at our church. As I was praying and preparing for our children's banquet, and as I was sitting in the services on Sunday a thought occurred to me. One I had never entertained before. I am still praying through this and trying to hear God speak to me. Clearly what I heard last night and the night before and before that on Friday morning during my devotions was this:
You are a missionary.
Me? I am a missionary? I have no training, no bible college education, no endorsements. How is that??
You are a missionary.
I am not in a foreign country saving starving people of devastating circumstances of their lives. How is that??
You are a missionary.
As I sat in service last night. The thought repeated like a broken record. Throughout the time of the speaker talking about Rural Missions in the US. I kept feeling these words being dropped into my heart. You Are A Missionary.
Maybe I am.

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