Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day #2

Day #2~ I am thankful for the right to vote and the freedom to have my voice heard.
I will not pretend to be an expert in politics nor will I claim to be a great debater of issues. I am, however, GRATEFUL for the right to express my opinion in the polls. To have the right for my tiny voice to be heard and counted on issues that are dear to my heart and will affect the lives of my children. Thankful to live in this country where my voice counts. When I was standing in line today waiting my turn I was thinking of something my Dad always said. "If you vote you give yourself the right to have an opinion if you don't vote then your remove your own rights. No one else did that to you. So I vote. every election. I want to count. I want my voice to be heard. I have heard people say "vote is just 1. what difference will that make?" I was thinking about that today. What difference? Probly not much all alone. But you add that to another who feels the same way and another and another then pretty soon we are all standing around wondering what happened to our town, state, country....if more people took the time to educate themselves on the elections and took the 15 minutes it takes to vote...maybe we would all be a little better off. Maybe.

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