Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 17~
When I was pregnant with Elijah on our first scheduled ultra sound the techs began to get flustered. Excused themselves from the room. Brought in specialists. The room filled with an eerie silence that I can still feel today if I think back on that day. The news was not good. our baby had deformed kidneys some sort of heart problem and a cyste that covered the entire surface of his brain. We were given pamphlets explaining the rare condition our baby was suffering from a business card for the "best" neonatologist in our area and we were told to go home research the condition and make an appointment with the specialist.
I walked out of the hospital that day feeling numb.
The next few days were filled with tears and prayers for my baby. I remember going to church and asking the prayer team to please anoint my belly because I wanted the anointing to get as close to my baby as possible.
Within a week we met with the specialist. He was matter of fact and very business like. He informed us that at best our baby might live a couple days. He strongly encouraged us to terminate the pregnancy. I let the doctor know in no uncertain terms that this child would not be terminated. What God saw fit to gift to us in the form of our child I would willingly and gladly take. He began to call our regular doctor and call me at home accusing me of being in denial and that I needed to focus on what was best for the baby. Finally after several weeks of phone calls I asked my doctor to call the specialist and let him know it was never OK for him to call me again. I had made my decision and was sticking to it.
We had 1 more ultrasound that confirmed 2 things 1 the devastating news was in fact true and we were having a boy. I secretly had wished for a girl and after my 1 moment of pouting began to talk to my son.
I continued to pray had people all over the world praying for my unborn son. It was leap year and February 29 was my due date. However Things happened quickly and we began to talk about inducing early. We tried mall walking with friends we tried spicy foods but none of those things worked. I checked into the hospital early in the morning of Feb 18 2000 in a snow storm ( I think there were 6 babies born that day named storm seriously!) Elijah came so fast I could not handle the delivery and lost a lot of blood, had a lot of complications. But all I was concerned about was my son. He was perfect. The stand by team was not needed, neonatal intensive care was not needed. He was perfectly healed and beautifully whole!
So today, on his turn instead of talking about his character or achievements I want to tell his miracle birth story. Because that is what I am most thankful for when I think of my Elijah.

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