Saturday, January 3, 2009

travels thus far

After about 4 hours of sleep and packing the car to near overflowing, we said our goodbyes, leaving some sad adn in tears. Dominique and i began our journey east. I drove....he slept. the weather was wonderful. overcast so I wasnt driving into the sun. no precipitation to speak of the entire trip. I drove from Runnells to Pittsburg....Dom drove from Pittsburg to my sisters house in NJ. We decided to detour for a coupe reasons we thought we were ahead of schedule, until we realized the Garmin does not change time through satalite when you cross the time zone. and Joslyn was expecting us to stop for the night and not arrive until friday. so one call to nj and we were off. I was able to spend time with Nicole and her family and have lunch with my other mother...what a blessing to me! I missed the opportunity to meet with a dear cant have everything!
we arrived in Maryland last night around 8 and are off to have brunch with Nene, Derick and Mommee before Mommee heads back to nj.
will post more later....

1 comment:

Truders said...

Glad to hear you made it!! I've been praying for the two of you. Oh and of course your hubby!! I have two of yours with me today to give him a break!! See you soon. Love you.