Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It sure has been a busy week aroud here. Isaiah was sick Sunday- Tuesday. He finally felt up to going to school today. A good day to choose since Wednesdays the kids get out early. Short days are good for getting back into the swing. Samuel has been fighting an asthma flareup. Hate that.
So far everyone else has managed to stay healthy.
My mother fell in her kitchen overe weekend and finally decided she should be checked out by a doctor so the Burrito and I took her in to the doc Monday. Thank goodness nothing was broken. She is awful sore and hobbling around.
God has been working on my heart. He is pushing me to step out in faith and jump with both feet. The ministry He has laid on my heart is coming together. I am nearly ready to reveal the new Blog. As soon as my good friend Trudy helps me learn a couple of her bloggery tricks I will be ready to reveal. Our first out reach is this Friday. I am so excited to see what God has in store! I have been working really hard all week on the details.
Last night we had a meeting for Madison, things are not any more clear today than they were. But I must say that I believe the road is being paved and people are being chosen to help us usher her into the next phase of her life as successfully as she possibly can be.
Dominique's car was broken into on Sunday in Baltimore hs window was shattered and they searched until they found his GPS. The one his uncle bought him for Christmas, the one that brought peace to this mothers heart knowing he would not get lost in the big city. Life lessons stink! His window will be fixed tomorrow and he will have to rely on a map to get around. And I. will. have. to. trust. and pray!
The Burrito had amazing news at the doctor last week. He has doubled his size since he arrived at our home!!! He is amazing and onry and I love to watch each accomplishment unfold!
Elijah is anxiously awaiting the opening ceremony for baseball. His 'first favorite sport!'

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