Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Please pray for our children

Tonight being Wednesday, we just returned from church. I was talking with a pastor this evening and he was telling me how he can't believe the number of children in our congregation who are fighting life changing illnesses. We have 2 children with serious forms of cancer, an 8 year old girl in serious condition at a local hospital not sure what is going on yet, Isaiah and his issues, and a little guy who has chrinic kidney problems. I told the pastor the devil is trying to attack our children. So, what we need to do is attack him back and take all his power away. Here is where all of you come in...pray like you have never prayed before for the children. Not just ours, but all children, Jesus had a heart for children He does not desire for His children to suffer. The devil always finds a weakness and slips in to get to us. Pray a hedge of protection all around our children we have to make sure there is not even a little crack he can sneak through.

1 comment:

Lori Eilers said...

AMEN!! We need to stand together for their protection and healing. Satan understands not only how Jesus has a special place in His heart for kids but how powerful the prayers and actions of children are! People tick me off when they say "kids are the church of tomorrow" are the church of TODAY! Oh, don't even get me started!!