Sunday, June 10, 2007

Garage Sale/ Bake Sale

At our last check up we were given news that quite honestly blew us out of the water. We were completely unprepared to hear what we did. I can honestly say, I am good now, renewed strength came from God to my heart. Now, I am in planning mode. We are not scheduled to return to MN until late August or early September unless something changes between now and then.
It is very expensive to travel and stay while seeing doctors. We also have child care issues as my wonderful cousin Joy will be back in Springfield doing her Senior Year at CBC. I tried to convince her to do all her studies on line so she could stay here and take care of my kids...yeah, that didn't work.
If Isaiah has surgery in September as we are predicting we could be up there for quite a while. So, I am planning a garage sale and bake sale. All the money we raise will go into the account we have established in his name at The Great Western Bank of Runnells. We will use the money for expenses while up there and to pay for any medical needs and bills. I will be posting on the progress of planning the sale so please keep an eye out for details to come.
Please continue to pray for Isaiah and for our family. It is not easy to have a child in the family have to spend time in the hospital. Pray the doctors have Divine Wisdom in planning the course of treatment for Isaiah and pray for peace in my heart and in Scott's too.

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