Wednesday, June 20, 2007

need a new/old car

Scott and I have been talking about trying to find a different car. It is a little confusing. I drive the 8 passenger van since I always have all the kids with me. Scott drives an old car that is great for getting him back and forth to work and running around town. But would not be good for long road trips. Dominique drives Scott's old pick up that geyts terrible gas mileage. In the fall he will be driving into town at least 5 days a week for classes at Grand view College, so he really needs something that will do better on gas.
Since we will be traveling up to the hospital more frequently we were thinking that if we trade the truck in on a used car that would travel long distances well, then Dominique could drive the car Scott has right now. Problem.....We are not used to having a car payment, so would be difficult to get used to that! I don't know what we will end up doing. I guess I am just thinking it through in writting.

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