this is the story of my journey. a peek into a day in the life of a moma who is doing the best she can to live out the legacy her father and grandmother have set before her. to learn how to love, no matter what.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Last night was Isaiah's last golf lesson. Instead of lessons they had a 4 hole tournament. There were 12 10 year olds in his division. Those 12 kids were split into either threesomes or foursomes.
Isaiah was part of a threesome, Zach and Nick were the other 2 boys in his group. The boys were required to walk the course and the parents had to keep score.
All the kids who participated were given trophys with their names and the year engraved on them.
Isaiah placed 3rd in his division!! Yeah Isaiah! For this being his first experience with golf I think he did awesome!!!! I am so proud of him! By the way the only girl in the division took first place! I was impressed.
Isaiah is THE MAN! Way to go Idaho!
Good job Isaiah!!
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