Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A little update

I was able to talk to our care coordinator last night on the phone. Isn't it funny how that happens? As soon as we get to the place where we can wait, that is when we get somewhere.
Here is the plan so far, understand we are very early in the developing stage of things. Dr. Dunn wants to see Isaiah on July 17 in the Shriners Hospital, but she has ordered some tests to be done prior to our visit with her. These tests were unfamiliar to the radiology department at Shriners, so the director of radiology is trying to find the facility where the tests can be done. When that is figured out and set up, we will be getting our appointments. Right now we will either have to go up Thursday and Friday the week before, then see her on Tuesday. Or, we will have to go Sunday and have tests done on Monday (my preferred plan) then see her on Tuseday and come home with a plan for what will happen next. The problem is we don't have any idea what this test entails, whether it is inpatient or out, whether it requires him to be put to sleep or stay awake. Or even where we have to go to have it done. So, even though we do have a little more information we still have more questions than answers at this point.

We are getting ready for our big sale. Scott doesn't think I can pull it off, so now I have been challenged and must rise up and do more than pull it off. Please pray that I can knock his socks off with my success! I also have to decide how to advertise, should I say it is a fundraiser for Isaiah or not?? Well, the heat is on now! So, we will see how it all goes.

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