Well, it has been several days since I last posted, we had a busy week end and then Scott was home Monday...no need to say anything more!
Let's play catch-up. Dominique is officially un-grounded and completely enjoying his freedom. I must say he is back to his old loveable self again. But do you want know something? God works miracles in our everyday, I'm telling you. You know how Dominique rearended Scott, and then Philip checked the brakes etc. Well, later in the week last week he asked Dominique how the brakes were working, and they were "spongey" so being grounded the truck was here, so on Sunday afternoon Philip took the brakes apart to check them and ALL these peices just fell out all over the ground. There was absolutely nothing working in the rear passenger brake. I have decided that God has assigned 3 angels to my boy: My dad is carrying him on one side, my Grandpa is carrying the other side, and my Grammy is picking up the rear! Only God could have been keeping him safe all this time! Again A huge thank you to my big brother for taking care of the truck!!!!
Isaiah had a Dr. appointment on Friday, the turd was not completely honest although he says technically he was, see, when he describes his pain he uses animals. So, a cat is like a 1 on a scale from 1-10, then a lion and tiger are around 8-9 and a T-rex is a 10. So, doc M. asks Isaiah to rate his pain, a Cat. So we are told that the pain could be muscle spasm or maybe a strained muscle and to keep doing what we are doing until we go back to Minnesota. So Fast forward to Monday when we went to Sara's and we discussed that I felt like he wasn't honest with the doc. Do you know what he said?????? I didn't lie, my pain was a cat, I just didn't tell him what KIND of cat. So, Sara asked him what kind....A TIGER. I told him that was lying, he says no it was not lying because he told him cat and tigers technically ARE cats. What am I supposed to do with him?? We can't help him when he doesn't tell us he hurts. Sara said she will keep working with him. I sure hope so...
Amaris has been a little turkey with home work making mom look like a goof ball. She tells me she can't remember what she is supposed to do and then when she gets to school she does it perfectly for her teacher. I love her teacher she is AWESOME!
Sam has had a rollercoaster ride, we thought we had found a way to motivate him with books, we told him when he is a good boy he gets to pick a new book (I have a stack of 10 new books) he chose 2 then decided he doesn't like to read after all UGH! So, the funny thing is he pulled the stunt on Daddy. Just like with me last week, he kept telling daddy he needed to think. Finally after 1.5 hours of "Thinking" Daddy says, "Sam are you done thinking," "yes" was Sam's reply. "well what have you been thinking about?" You wont believe what came out of that precious mouth! Not I'm sorry not what he had done but..."Christams presents." needless to say that did not help daddy in the situation. Scott looked at me and said "He did NOT just say that did he??" " yes dear I do believe he did...Good night Sam!
I'm telling you never a dull moment around this house!