Monday, May 18, 2009

It amazes me at how incredibly busy we make our lives. We get all caught up in the whirl of events and look and up and suddenly a month has buzzed by.
This month has been like that for me. I hate being so busy that it seems you can't even catch your breath.
A few of the things filling my calendar this month....
graduation parties
visit with Madison
end of the year activities
6th grade graduation
kindergarten graduation
Omaha zoo
trip to MN for Isaiah
trip to PA for my brothers wedding
church activities
therapy/doctor appointments
whew! I am absolutely sure I have forgotten some things. The reward? A nice peaceful quiet month of June. aahh!

1 comment:

Adventures of Abby said...

I am feeling exactly the same, I can not wait until June. I just crossed a few things off the june calendar. I want calmness. I am not sure around this house having less to do will result in calmness but it is worth a shot!