Sunday, May 3, 2009

Friday we went with the elementary school on a trip to the Omaha zoo. The day was nice, good weather and all the monsters had a great time. Only one problem, I forgot the camera! BLAH!
Tomorrow I take 5 of the monsters to the dentist in the morning, finish packing in the afternoon and right after school Isaiah and I are off to the hospital in MN for his testing and meetings with his team of doctors. This is always a stressful time for me as I can never decide how I feel about the whole thing. I wish we could either have a 100% perfect report or have surgery scheduled. Living somewhere in the middle is quite unnerving for me. It is not that I WANT him to have surgery...I just want to know what is going to happen. I want to be able to walk through the day not wondering if he will be injured or if today is the day his neurological functions will bottom out and we will officially be an emergency. I can handle bad news we have traveled that road plenty, I would dance for joy with good news. I hate the realm of unknown territory. So Early Tuesday morning we check in for testing which always takes 2 days. not full days but it is too much for one day. And of course his reward as always will be a trip to MOA for a visit to Lego Land. He has saved money again and is anticipating the purchase of his new Star Wars set. Wednesday after testing we will meet with the team and learn what the plan is now.
Scott had to rearrange his work schedule so he could get kids on the bus, Zephan will be passed between 2 households. Tuesday he will be with Wendi and Wednesday he will be with Trudy. Thanks Abby for backing me up I will have Scott call you if something happens.
Tonight is the Kids choir program at church. Samuel and Amaris are excited to preform.
It was nice to have Philip home for a couple days. We went shopping and picked his suit for Nathan's wedding. He flew out this morning for Ontario. The kids love it when he is home even when it is for just a couple days. While he was home we planned our road-trip to Philly. Things are falling into place for that it is nice to have a travel partner and someone to help with the finances too!
I will post updates if I have internet access in MN. Thanks for the always!

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