Sunday, May 10, 2009

I must admit, I began my day feeling a little sorry for myself and sad. Sorry for all the troubles in my life as of late. Sad because this is the first Mothers Day since Dominique was born that I did not spend Mothers Day with ALL of my children.
As the day went along my mood slowly lifted. Dominique called to wish me a happy day and tell me how much he loves me. I was unable to speak with Madison today, but thought of her a lot throughout my day.
As I walked through the foyer of church I was reminded of some very special people who are 'like' mothers to me. Dorothy. Karen. Wanda. Suzie.
Then I thought of the women who have drifted in and out of my life and because of them, I am the mom I am today. Mommee. My Otter Motter. Mozelle.
And I thought of all the mothers days throughout my life so far. How my dad always made a big deal of the day. To him, Mothers Day was the most important day of the year. He truly honored and celebrated his mother. We always had BBQ's with all the family gathered in the yard. Planting flowers together when family was no longer around.
I thought of my Gramma. And how over the years she has treated me more as a daughter than a grand daughter and how she has shown me how to be a godly woman and a good mom. She ahs always been there for me no matter what. without fail!
Then i ran into a man at Wal Mart. Haven't seen him or any of his family in a long time. We had what I thought would be a casual hi how are ya doing kind of conversation. Are you ever prepared for the good as can be expected...His wife left him and the children 8 months ago. They have heard nothing from her since. All afternoon I have thought of that family. Those children and how they must feel today.
I thought of the little girl in my Sunday School class whose mom died unexpectedly a few months ago. And wondered how she was doing today. and said a prayer for her.
I thought of my friend whose son died a few months ago. This is her first Mothers Day without her son. and I prayed for her.
I thought of my friend who desperately wants to be a mom and hasn't been blessed...YET...and I prayed for her.
And I realized. I am blessed. I am blessed with many women who over the years have taught me to be a good mom. I am blessed with children whom I love dearly and they love me. They make me laugh and cry. They make me cheer and scream. I have experienced every feeling and emotion possible this past year as a mom. I have had a few victories and a few failures. But at the end of this Mothers Day I know I am a blessed Mother. God is good. I do not have to have all 7 of them in the same place at the same time to know that I love them and they love me.
So today I reflected. I prayed. I am thankful. The kids and I went and planted flowers for my mom in her yard. I planted flowers here and thought of my dad...funny thing to think on Mothers Day HUH!?

1 comment:

Lori Eilers said...

That was beautiful Angela. I'm sorry you couldn't be with Dominique or Madison...I understand as this was my first Mother's Day without both of my kids.