Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Isaiah is a champ! The testing he goes through is tough for anyone, he chose to go through it all awake. He is my hero! I do not know any adult who would go through all that awake without complaining. at all! Awake means no needles. no needles is great in his world.
We met with his neuro surgeon this afternoon after the testing was complete. I wish I could upload the scans on here...amazing to look at to say the least. Even more amazing to me is the changes that have occurred over the past few months. The last scans showed the cyste growing round, like a little ball in the center of his spinal cord. one side of the cyste had attached to the interior wall of his cord. The cyste continues to grow and has increased in size. The amazing part is that it has changed shape. It is now growing elongated and is no longer attached to the interior wall of the cord. Great news because this means no neuro surgery this summer. Even better than that is the doctor explained that as long as the cyste continues to grow in the manner it is we may not have to do that surgery for up to 5 years. So the plan is to continue as we have. Monitor, be careful, report any changes and PRAY PRAY PRAY!! God is hearing our prayers for Isaiah and is answering them little by little.
One more stepping stone in our journey towards complete healing. Best of all is that God is using Isaiah to change lives of doctors, nurses, therapists and many others. Toad used to call Isaiah his "walking testimony" I bet he never realized how very true this name would become!
Following the appointment we headed off to the Mall of America. Isaiah bought his new Lego and ice cream and we were headed back to the hotel. My kind of man....he hates shopping as much as I do! Know what you want, know where to get it, get it and GO!!
He took a swim when we returned to the hotel. We had breakfast for dinner at Denny's which is conveniently located right next door. Now he is happily building his new Lego.
I am so very proud of Isaiah and his bravery!!! We have more testing in the morning and then will meet with his orthopedic surgeon to see about that surgery.
Thanks again for all the prayers. We feel them and God is listening!

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