Saturday, June 6, 2009

hanging out with the cousins

Alex got tired of waiting for the wedding to begin...Ipod to the rescue!
Macayla, Colum, Lij and Dom in the background.
Alex and Colum
Dominique and Macayla.
Dom and Macayla
Elijah with Colum and Macayla at the wedding.
Alex in the background, Isaiah playing a game, Colum attacking Lij...again.

Alex and Lij playing army men.
Dominique got Colum back for all his sneak attacks.
Colum and Macayla attacking Dominique.
Isaiah and Alex playing a game.
Alexander my handsome nephew!
Lij playing a little guitar hero.
The kids had a great time with cousin they rarely see. Fun times playing at Uncle Nate's house and goofing off at the wedding. Making memories.

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