Wednesday, June 10, 2009

16 years ago...

It is hard to believe that 16 years ago my dad died.
He lived a long time after he was diagnosed. Long beyond all predictions of his doctors. Most say he lived so long because Dominique and Alex gave him a reason to fight. A will to survive beyond all expectation. I believe that is true.
I can still see the look in his face when one of the boys entered the room. Pure joy. Dad loved children. He was an amazing father, the best grandfather any kid could ever hope to have, a teacher, it was always our house all our friends ended up, dad loved them all. Our home was theirs and they knew no matter what they did he would listen and love them anyway.
His diagnosis came while I was still in high school shortly after I recovered from cancer. He first became seriously ill the week Dominique was born. The journey we traveled together was both the most joyous part of my life and the saddest as well.
I see him in the faces of my children, hear him in their laughter and tears. I see him when I look at my older brother. Even after all these years whenever something wonderful or awful happens in my life I long to sit and share it with him. I wish for the days when we would sit on the front porch and swing, chatting in the summer breeze as we watch the kids playing.
My father was not a perfect man. He made his share of mistakes. As we all do. But he gave me gifts I will treasure and pass on to my children. He taught me to love no matter what. He taught me that no person is any less deserving of unconditional love and acceptance than another. Our home was always open to any one who needed a place. a place to laugh, to love, to cry, to talk to heal from life's wounds....He didn't always make the best choices but he was an amazing man. Filled with amazing gifts that he lovingly passed on to us his children...and we are now passing them on to ours....
I love you dad....I miss you more every day....I am so grateful for all you taught me about life love and treasures...I can not wait for the day we will be reunited. I have so much I want to tell


Gizmo said...

Your dad was one of the most special people I have been priveleged to know and love. He taught me about love and acceptance and friendship. Your gift for writing describes what can barely put into words. I can still see him playing with Dominique, sitting at the kitchen table and telling stories. I treasure the file card box of his teaching ideas. He was a blessing to all who knew him. Giz

Lori Eilers said...

Wish I could have met him! He sure raised a special daughter.