Thursday, November 20, 2008

Living Life On A Tilt-A-Whirl

Life in the Albers household has taken on the semblence lately of living on a Tilt-a-whirl. It seems there is never just one thing going on at once, not one person speaking and seeking attention alone, no peace, no quiet. Constant motion, constant, fast, hurry HURRY, I need it NOW....
At any given moment you could walk into the house and the scene lying before you would likely consist of Madison demanding everyone's full attention and stomping about irrationally when not promptly given it...Samuel and Amaris fighting over goodness knows what, she looked at me is usually what you find at the bottom of the pile of wound up fury between the two. Lij goes a bit stir crazy when pent up in doors, his inate need to breathe the fresh air and experience all life has to offer his curious little mind in the great outdors is never quite satisfied especially when mother nature has other plans. Poor guy attempted to ride his bike the other day in the wind....fierce wind...blowing him the opposite direction of which he was desperately trying to pedal. long as he is left ALONE to live breathe and create in HIS world, he is fine. BUT he has siblings and living ALONE is just not an option at this stage of life. So he gets creative in his ways to prevent them from invading his space...he builds baracades against the door so NO ONE can get through...the other day he sprayed cologne all over the door knobs leading to his room so when Madison tried to get in she smelled like a guy all day...mad??? you could say that! she was still mad 3 days later....and of course our little Burrito...well, lets just say he deserves a blogspot all his own! ;0)
Some days I can just go with the flow...loving every minute of the large rambunxious family I believe has been gifted to me...other days??? I want to stop the ride and find refuge in some peaceful meadow some where...SANS the kids and their tilt-a-whirl ways. I could be in for a long winter, and since my little monsters do not hibernate....I need to find ways to bring peace and maybe a merry-go-round into our lives!

1 comment:

Truders said...

Seemed rather peaceful to me the other day!! :) Cologne over the doorknob was too funny. Your doing a great job Angela!!