Tuesday, November 4, 2008

fever, bubble bath, and a Christmas movie

So Lij is still sick...still has a fever, and now his throat is 'clogged' whatever that means! Of course we had to go through the whole you have to stay home from school, I don't want to, if you do you can....routine. What we came up with was a bubble bath, a craft, and a Christmas movie.
As soon as I ushered the non-toxic kids onto the school bus, Lij got his bubble bath. Then he watched a little TV. Then he played with his wrestlers. Now he is enjoying a slioce of left over pizza and his Christmas movie. I can tell he is not himself....because it is a most beautiful day outdoors and he has not asked one time to ride his bike...he must be sick!


Anonymous said...

Wow - next time I'm sick I'm coming to your house! :)

Truders said...

Poor guy....praying he'll be better soon!