Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Courtship, traditionally the wooing of a female by a male, includes activities such as dating (dinner and a movie, a picnic, or general "hanging out"), along with other forms of activity, such as meeting online (also known as virtual dating), chatting on-line, sending text messages or picture messages, conversing over the phone, writing each other letters, and sending each other flowers, songs, and gifts. Courting usually involves getting to know the family (especially the parents) of the one you are courting. Most of the time courting will be done somewhere public, to lower the chances of anything going on between the couple. Some couples who court do not even kiss until marriage.

Call me old fashioned. a hopeless romantic. sappy. I don't care. This is what I want for my children. and I have been talking with them about this very subject. A LOT!
I want my sons to grow up and win the hearts of their bride through actions. I want them to be loved, accepted, respected and welcomed into the hearts lives and families of the girls they choose.
I want my little girl to grow up and be swept off her feet. I want her to feel the feeling of not being able to breathe another breath unless she hears the voice of her beau. I want her to get giddy and excited when the mail comes or the phone rings. I want her to knock on my door at midnight because she can't sleep for thinking of him. I want to sit up and sip tea and snuggle with a cozy blanket and listen to her chatter on and on about how wonderful he is.
I want my boys to send love notes and flowers. I want my boys to love honor and respect the families of their beloved. I want the mother of their sweetheart to love them as much as I do.
I want the future spouse of each one of my children to feel blessed, honored, and  special to be chosen to be a part of their life.
I want 7 daughters-in-law who feel like they are the MOST SPECIAL person in the world because they are loved by one of my boys.
I want 2 sons-in-law who will be strong spiritual leaders, protectors, and make my little girls feel like they are1 in a  million.
I want my children to look into the eyes of their chosen as if its the first time they fell in love every day. I want to see them fall deeper in love every day. hold hands. cherish each other. honor each other. grow old in happiness with each other.
I do not want my children to grow up living on second chances and mapping out plan b or c or d because plan a fell through. I don't want my children to grow up and date so much and so many that they no longer have the ability to see who their soul mate is and what it feels like to hold the hand that was created to rest in theirs forever.
I am talking now to each of them. trying to teach them that although everyone around them will be dating around. what everyone else is doing is not always the best thing.
I am praying now for the spouses that are out there, growing up. I pray blessings over them. Now and forever.
am I crazy? a romantic? old fashioned? sappy?

1 comment:

Truders said...

You are not crazy by any means. We should be praying for our children's spouses. Although God already knows who they are it doesn't hurt for us to add some extra prayer. I pray that, and have prayed for a while for those girls that will become my daughter in laws. Like you, we have been talking to them about respecting girls and treating them the right way. You continue to what your doing and God will honor your faithfulness!