Thursday, June 3, 2010

I can hardly believe that tomorrow is the last day of this school year! After the summer I will have all kids in school at least part time. Burrito will be attending a special preschool every morning next year! We are looking into a small christian school for Isaiah, he is actually excited about the thought, the only thing that will hold us back is the tuition. It sounds small but for a family this size it is huge. $200 month plus curriculum fee and uniform (the only thing he is not thrilled about). We are exploring options so pray for us that we make the right decision for him!
On our plate this summer will be Pow-wow, Powette, camp, baseball winding down, Gramma's 90th birthday celebration, meetings and another court date for our new little guy, 3 weddings, a visit from a CA cousin, Lego Robotics mini camp, Physical therapy twice a week, daycare 3 days a week, cooking class, summer reading programs, and tons of fun in the sun! I am hoping to fit a visit to MO to see Joy! You have no idea how much I wish I was traveling EAST again! I miss my East coast family!!
Dominique will be traveling with the band through the beginning of July and is hoping to find employment when he returns.
Finally.....I am in need of boxes, boxes and more boxes! I am in the process of simplifying our household and need boxes to pack up the items we no longer need. I will be donating everything to a wonderful lady Ruby who runs an amazing ministry! So, if you have a plethera of boxes you would not mind parting with forever please give me a holler!

1 comment:

Truders said...

Whatever will you do with yourself with all your kiddos in school??? Praying for direction on school for Isaiah. Love you bunches!!