Saturday, June 19, 2010


Have you ever felt like you were too broken to fix? broken hearted. broken relationships. broken spirit. just plain broken. There have been times in the past couple years where I have felt so broken that I have often diagnosed myself as too broken to be mended. too many pieces scattered about me to pick up.
I think we all have moments like these. we all limp through life with various wounds in various degrees of healing. Hidden deep beneath the surface of bravery and self confidence and denial lies our brokenness hiding safely away from those around us and sometimes if we are really good we are even able to hide from ourselves.
To unveil our brokenness would be an open invitation for all to see our vulnerabilities and stand in judgement against us. taking a risk of shame and fear of being all alone. But really in our solitude of hiding from ourselves we are already alone.
There is a vast difference between brokenness that destroys us and brokenness that transforms us....the first is the one we hold tight to we allow it to grow and consume our thoughts, emotions even actions and if we are not careful it is this one that can destroy us....the second transforms us ~ when shared in the presence of a caring thoughtful friend who is willing to see us for all our brokenness and still love us. willingly take our hand and walk with us along the is the latter that also transforms those we allow it to touch. Our own brokenness can become a source of healing to all who come in contact with it. When we find the courage to face our broken road we will then find the strength to assist others in facing theirs.
Opening our broken past to another threatens to take us back to our pain. In the same moment becoming transparent to ourselves and others opens the potential for God's grace to enter and move into our situation. When we take the step of bravery and open our brokenness to others we just may be surprised at what we receive. Instead of judgments... sometimes healing arrives.

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