Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today I went to visit the lung doctor who took care of me while I was in the hospital. My recovery for the most part is what he expected. Good news is no more pneumonia in either lung! Bad news all my air ways are still inflamed and swollen making it difficult to breathe at times and producing this annoying cough. For now we are calling it some sort of recovery induced asthma. No guarantee that it will ever go away. I received new scripts and orders to take cough medicine even if I don't like how 'High' I feel when taking it. UGH! I have to see him every 4 weeks until...he said it will just take time for my energy level to return to normal could be another month or 2!! Ack!! Didn't like hearing that either!
Listen to what happened while I was waiting:
As I walked into the waiting room carrying a  clipboard full to the top of paper work to be filled out since this was my first visit to this office. I found a seat somewhat separate from others and noticed sitting not too far from me in a different section of chairs was a spunky little girl with a sparkle in her eye to match the spunk. As I settled into my paper work. (Oh how I dread paper work). I hear the constant chatter of this rosey cheeked little one spouting a million questions a hundred miles an hour without even taking in air between. I could not help but take notice of her she was bursting with questions: Grandma did you know you are my snugglebuddy did you know I love your scarf did you know that your scarf would make a great parachute didyouknowiamagoodshopperwhatsforlunch...on and on and on and...Grandma snaps "Shut up and sit down!!"
The precious child obeys and quietly begins to sing..."you better watch better not cry..." Again Grandma responds with: "Shut the H*** up! Christmas is over! If you must sing, sing a different song!"
Precious (I decided that should be her name) looks down at her toes.
"Hear comes Peter Cottontail," whispered Precious in a sing-song sort of way. Grandma became engrossed in conversation with her friend. Gossip really, hateful dreadful gossipy stuff. I was appalled at the language that spewed from the mouths of these 2 elderly women.
As I sat trying to tune Potty-mouthed-grannies out....I watched in wonder as Precious twirled the parachute-scarf and whispered her song about Peter Cotton Tail hopping down a trail and knowif you are bad good....
My heart broke for the Granny's who were so wound up in their nasty gossip that they missed out on such sweetness unfolding on the floor of a waiting room....
Then my name was called and as I rose to follow the nurse I turned and winked at Precious....she even winked back!!

1 comment:

Chef Stinson Family said...

Oh that breaks my heart. Precious is totally the right name for her. Some people just enrage me sometimes. I have to hold my tongue on a daily basis here at school. The way that some people speak to their children just makes me want to cry.