Friday, February 5, 2010

The medicines are working on my body, I can feel the difference. This is good news. I never realized how much it could hurt to try to breathe though. my goodness! I asked the doctor today if it was normal to feel like my lungs had been cramped with charlie horses....his response....I never heard it put quite like that before but GREAT description!! It will take a good 2-3 weeks for my lungs to feel normal again. He also told me they should know by 3-4 weeks if I will have asthma or if it is temporary.
So, other than the pain when I breathe and the complete exhaustion I feel pretty good! Sounds strange I know. But really, I am grateful to not feel sick anymore. Time to rebuild my energy reserves. It is hard for me to stay quiet and NOT do things. I see things that need to be done and just want to do do do. But I promised myself I will make every effort to listen to the doctors and get back to 100%.
Scott left this afternoon for the weekend. He took Elijah down to visit Madison. It was hard for hi to go he doesn't trust me to take it easy. But we discussed it and agreed that Madison needs to know that when we make a promise we will keep it. We also decided not to tell her how sick I have been she would not handle that well.
I am ever so thankful for all my friends who love me. My church family who has been bringing meals to feed my family. What a HUGE blessing the meals are! As for this weekend? The kiddos and I are gonna order movies on PPV and snuggle on the couch while I pretend not to notice that there is laundry to be done and dusting a vacuuming and bathrooms that need to be cleaned....when I am better I will work on that cluttered house thing....not now!

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