Friday, February 12, 2010

Dear Uncle Cowboy,
Yesterday when Dominique took Mom to an appointment the door bell rang, since I was was home alone I did not answer it but after I heard them leave I looked out the window and saw a huge box on the step. So I went out and got it. It was really heavy. I called mom and she told me it was not for me and I had to leave it alone. GR! I put the box on the table that we made for Sam and Amaris. Did you know the table is 37 inches and I measured the box with a tape measure it was 26 inches! that is a big box! All day I kept looking at the box. I really really really wanted to know what it was! When Dad got home Mom tricked me and told me it was for me from you! Mom told me that it was because I was so good at helping her while she was sick and dad was visiting Madison. I was so happy and surprised! I tore open the box as fast as I could and I could not believe what was inside! This is the lego I have been wanting since my birthday. I wanted it for my birthday and for Christmas. After I got it out of the box I said to everyone. "See ya in a couple hours, BYE!" and I ran down to my room to start building! Last night I got the first book done and now today I will finish the other 2 books. Thank you so much for the lego. I LOVE IT!!!!

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