Wednesday, February 17, 2010

the goings on of the fam.....

After deciding to move back home this semester. And having difficulty transfereing to DMACC Dom decided to take a semester off of school and work. As it happens plans change and he has been unable to find a job, no surprise in this economy. Huge draw back to my decisions of his high school years. I only allowed him to work summers. Which is now biting him in the butt because he has no experience and in these times there are many others more 'employable' than he. 
An opportunity has presented itself for him to travel with a band for 3 months. At first I was sad frustrated upset. BUT then I thought. and I prayed. And I realized now is the time in his life to chase after his dreams. Being a musician is his dream. He is young with no responsibilities. So I gave my blessing and he will be leaving on February 20th.
It has been wonderful having him home, he has been so helpful while I have been sick. And he loves helping with Dropz of Hope! I pray that he realizes his dreams and has no regrets when he is old....

As usual there are good days and then bad. Scott and Lij went to visit Madison on Feb. 6th. They had a good visit. Madison was unusually quiet during the visit. I think she is having some struggles right now.After the visit she made some not so great choices and lost all privileges again. We finally received a call from her Monday night. She has not been wanting to talk to me lately so she talked to Scott and seemed to be doing better. As with all healing journies it takes time, patience, love and prayer.

This week Isaiah participated in the home school geography fair. He worked for a month studying and preparing for the fair. He made a Saudi Arabian dish called Kapsa, a chicken and rice kind of dish, it was really good! He also made flat bread and Hummus. Also very good. The night was fun. It was neat to see all the countries and states the other kids presented.
Isaiah is doing very well in school this year. I hope he decides to join in the youth program at church soon. He needs to have good friends. Isaiah has always had the tendency to keep to himself. I believe it is good for kjids to ok alone but Isaiah prefers to be alone and I want him to make friends and get out and do things. So I am hoping he will be open to joining the youth soon...

We had conferences last night. Lij is doing awesome in school. I am proud of him for all the hard work he puts into his school work. Tomorrow he will hit a huge milestone double digits! 10th birthday WOW! Lij is looking forward to baseball season. He is also very excited about 210 a new club he joined at church. I can not believe how much he has grown up this past year!!

I wish I had a good report on this little lady. Honestly I am kind of feeling like I really stink at raising daughters. I am questioning my ability to be a good mom to a daughter. I can not seem to get ti right with either of my precious girls. Conferences were a disaster for Amaris. No exaggeration!! She is so beautiful, so smart and talented. If she put half the energy into doing her best and making right choices she would be doing much better at school and home. Any of you moms out there that have a gift of the mother daughter deal please please pray for me and advice is always welcome. I want to be a good mom to all my kids...
I love this little lady....just not real happy at this moment!

What a sweet face! I was all worked up and worried about Sam's conferences because I know he has been struggling with behaviors at home, school and on the bus. I must say I am pleased in an odd sort of way about conferences for him. We have come to realize that there are many times Sam wants to make right choices but for some reason is lacking in the ability to control his impulse and that lands him in trouble. We have come up with some plans to help him make better choices and in turn will help him do better. He was very excited when we talked about them last night! YAY! We also have decided to consult with a doctor to have some evaluations done. Lets face it....truth be known we have no idea what effects the beginning of his life has had on his development. If there is some thing we can do to intervene and help him we will find it and do what ever it takes!

Oh my! All I can say is this little guy is 2. He is a ball of fire! He is into everything all the time. Recently he has discovered that he has the ability to make people we are in trouble!

Is trying to land back on his feet after being scared to death by my illness. He has done pretty good handling some of my usual duties, others we have to just let slide until I am back to 100%
He is enjoying the Olympics and anxiously awaiting spring training for the Yankees.

I am still trying to heal and get back to normal, what ever that is! Loving on my Dropz of Hope families. And praying God grants me the wisdopm and grace to be a better mom....

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