Monday, September 29, 2008

Who am I

Who am I....Does anyone else ever ask themselves this question? Sometimes I can rattle off, with confidence, a laundry list of adjectives that describe who I am.Then there are times I seem to struggle. I have no idea. During those times who I am and why I am here are mysteries waiting to be discovered but always eluding me. Or so it seems at the moment.
Lately I have been thinking about this so when the time arrives and I wonder without an inkling of answer. I will be ready.
I guess who I am depends on who YOU are in part, I think that is at least a good place to start. So....I am daughter, granddaughter, sister, friend, wife, mother, aunt, cousin, cook, baker, comforter, confidante, security blanket, christian, counselor, fixer of all things, teacher, author, listener, shoulder, supporter, cheerleader, advocate, house keeper, professional shopper not in the fun kind of way, with a family of 7 children you have to be a professional to stretch the ever shrinking dollar to get the most out of it.
But who am I....
I am created unique, and different than anyone else. And yet there are times when I can't figure out why. I am a woman who cares deeply and completely for those who enter her life. I would fight for you, along side you and against you if had to in order to uphold the good in this world. I am strong.
strength noun . 1. the quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor. 2. mental power, force, or vigor. 3. moral power, firmness, or courage.
yes, I am strong.
I am relentlessly seeking the will and plan for my life and most times wonder if I will ever get it figured out. Some one once told me that the plan for my life is making a difference in the lives of children and I am already doing that every day so why am I always persuing a different will. hhhmmmmm.....of course I thought a lot about that statement...I disagree in part. Yes, God created me with a heart of HUGE capacity for children especially hurting children. But, if the will and plan ended there then I would have a certain peace about me. I would be settled and know...this is it....but I don't....there is more to the plan, I will find it, and when I do then His plan will be complete. and peace will take up residence within the walls of my heart.

1 comment:

loreyfamily said...

There has been times i my self wonderd that who am I. God made me much like you with a BIG heart for Children, mine in another way i work with children who have cancer,Heart defacts and any type of child hood illness that could clam the lifes of the children he opened my ministry up not long after my 3 month old niece died a prayer Ministry people tell me much of the same that this is why u was put on earth i have always agreed with this but always thought there has got to be more then that to the reason im on earth other wise i to would be at peace i found out God is calling me to teach much like joyce meyers but yet in my own way how ever even then i dont think my work will be done on earth until God calls me home there will always be somthing GOD has planed for us other then the work we do now but yes i found my self with much of the same Question many times over and over again. God Bless