Sunday, September 14, 2008


In deciding to do a special project for my Gramma I have been able to reconnect with cousins I have not seen or talked to in YEARS!!! It has been fun. I look forward to connecting more with all of them. Its funny how things happen sometimes.
This past summer I reconnected with some VERY special people in NJ when I went to a wedding. The renewed relationships have blessed me so much more than I could have ever imagined!
The other day I was thinking about these relationships and how important they were to me at very critical times in my life and how I had run away from them because of the hurt I experienced from losing my dad. I can't believe I allowed so much time and space to stand between all of us for so long. It is a true testament to unconditional love. Walking into 'Mommee's' living room in June felt the same that evening as it did 15 years ago. The overwhelming sense of love and acceptance that lives and breeds in that place swelled my heart and has been feeding my soul ever since.
I strive to fill the lives around me with that very kind of love. Don't let hurt, pain and emotion separate you from important people in your life. They are there to love you so let them. Even when it hurts, even when you don't feel like it. Trust me it is definitely worth it!
I am just lucky that time stood still in that part of the world and waited for me to return!

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